We are a non-profit art space in Prague 8 focusing on contemporary, queer, and social themes. We provide a refuge for those who need it, striving to give voice and opportunity for self-expression to all. Whether through exhibiting emerging and established artists, organizing public and educational programs with international reach, such as As We Grow, or collaborating with queer and feminist initiatives. Our programs are free of charge and open to everyone from Tuesday to Saturday between 2:00 PM and 6:00 PM.
As a non-profit space, we are able to create programs that address our current needs and interests and those of our community. We introduce independent contemporary art to wider audiences and offer activities that go beyond the visual arts scene, aiming to achieve synergy between often disparate fields and perspectives. Help us continue to create these programs!
Grants cover barely a third of our budget, so we are constantly seeking ways to finance our program for the entire year. We experiment with alternative financial channels, but as a non-profit organization with our focus and long-term goals, it is almost impossible to cover our costs. Despite all efforts to maintain fair working conditions, it is sometimes difficult to believe we still have the strength to continue. With your contribution, we will continue to serve as a refuge for safe expression and gatherings, for reflecting the current World while simultaneously co-creating the new.
Your donations will contribute:
- to the financial sustainability of our operations
- to fairer compensation for S1 team members
- to fairer compensation for artists and guests
- to a more accessible space - for example, by purchasing a ramp for wheelchair users
- to create a place for meetings, relaxation, and discussion
- to supplement books and educational materials in our public library
- to more educational research projects
- ... and many other great experiences
In 2024:
- One exhibition costs us approximately 80,000 CZK – 140,000 CZK
- One public program costs us approximately 17,000 CZK – 20,000 CZK
- Annual operation costs us approximately 352,000 CZK
Creating an accessible community program and maintaining our space is not easy and requires ongoing care and attention. So, we ask you to consider regular financial support, which will help us continue to maintain the gallery and support the diversity of the Czech cultural scene.
We greatly appreciate all the support we have received over the past 5 years. We hope to continue to serve as a place and refuge for everyone in the years to come.
Thank you for being with us,
The SVĚTOVA 1 Team 🩷
Zai Xu
Lizi Diasamidze
David Laufer
Anežka Svobodová
Viktor Zahrádka
Halima Hiri
Emil Nosek
Alice Warchol
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at the email address anezka@svetova1.cz. 🌍

Posílám cash a hugs ❤️🩹
Solidaritou proti fašismu!
Symbolická podpora proti zvůli radnice Prahy 8
Palestinské vlajky do všech oken!!!!!
Držte se!
díky, že jste! svět potřebuje světovu!!
dal bych rád o pár nul víc, ale ty fráze mne odradily:
na více férové ohodnocení členů týmu S1
na více férové ohodnocení umělců*kyň a hostů*ek
na více přístupný prostor - např. nákupem rampy pro vozíčkáře
každopádně sympatizuji.