Wikimedia Česká republika

Education and Research Elderly

Let's open the digital world to seniors with Wikipedia in 2024

December on Czech Wikipedia belongs to seniors. Help us to open the digital world for them. We have already taught over 600 of them how to write Wikipedia for free. They are gaining a meaningful new hobby, and friends and passing on the wisdom they have obtained. Will you join us in this unique project?

we started on 2023-12-01
raised 89 % out of  €1,197

supported by

47 people
This campaign is already closed. Thank you!

Seniors and Wikipedia are a perfect match

Being a senior doesn't mean being useless. They have knowledge, experience and the desire to pass it on. Learning how to contribute to Wikipedia is a great way to do that, and to enrich the most comprehensive encyclopedia.

(Turn on english subtitles by clicking on settings in the bottom right corner)

The most enthusiastic graduates of our courses have written hundreds of articles on personalities, nature, art or anything else they enjoy. Often these are areas they have spent a lifetime specializing in. Through the project, they gain a sense of belonging, purpose a hobby and the joy of a legacy that they leave behind.

Become a patron of seniors who want to stay active

If you think that the experience and knowledge gained by seniors should not go to waste, become a patron of the project. You will give them a new tool for self-fulfilment and a chance to contribute to the world's largest online encyclopaedia. Our goal is to teach every Czech senior who wants to write Wikipedia how to do it. Simply because it makes sense.

FOTO: Wikiclub Prague 2023, Pavel Bednařík (WMCZ), CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

As František, a graduate of our course for seniors, says: "This is an extraordinary opportunity for people of my age, i.e. seniors, to do something for themselves and for the public." 
Support this project even more and ask your friends to help Create campaign

Děkuji za parádní nápad. Podporuji s radostí. Přeji všem pěkný rok 2024.

Jan Horyna
CZK 250

Díky za skvělý nápad...

CZK 750

My děkujeme!

Wikimedia Česká republika

Jsem senior a tak podporuji seniory! :-)

Petr Heřman
CZK 750

Vážíme si toho!

Wikimedia Česká republika

Těším se na nová hesla od novodobých českých encyklopedistů.

Klára Smolíková
CZK 750

I my se těšíme. Děkujeme za Vaši podporu.

Wikimedia Česká republika

skvělý nápad

Vít Hrdoušek
CZK 150


Wikimedia Česká republika

Sleduji váš projekt už mnoho let a držím palce, aby se dařilo jej i nadále rozvíjet. Také děkuji všem, kteří se podílí na rozšiřování a zkvalitňování obsahu Wikipedie. Jen tak dál :)

Lucie Janíková
CZK 2,250

Děkujeme za milá slova i Váš dar. Obojího si moc vážíme!

Wikimedia Česká republika

Ať se daří...

Michaela Val6
CZK 250

Děkujeme! :-)

Wikimedia Česká republika