Do you feel that the media brings only negative information about the Roma? That the Roma don't have enough space to express their opinion? And how about the claim that they have free medicine, do not work and only abuse social benefits or commit criminal activity? Is it true? You can find answers to this and other similar questions on the news server Support, support independent and truthful reporting about Roma, not only for Roma!
Do you feel that the media brings only negative information about the Roma? That the Roma don't have enough space to express their opinion? And how about the claim that they have free medicine, don't work and are just abusing welfare or committing crimes? Is it true? You can find answers to this and other similar questions on the news server Support - support independent and truthful news about Roma, not only for Roma!
We are raising 100,000 CZK because we want to involve more journalists and experts in the editorial work, who will write and publish quality articles on the server.
The image of the Roma in the media is not always true and objective, essential topics are often insufficiently represented and explained, rather irrelevant tabloid information is given space. It's scary how many negative articles about Roma are published every year on the Czech internet and in written periodicals. Is that right? Not in our opinion!
For more than 20 years, the news server has been delivering independent, truthful and high-quality news about Roma, not only for Roma. is a medium that Roma people trust and where the reader, viewer or listener turns to when they want to find reliable information, analysis, an insider's view, an opinion or a discussion with experts.
We are not a "pro-Roma" activist media, but an open space that strives for an objective view. This is proven by the latest assessment of the Independent Journalism Foundation, in which the server received the highest possible grade A!
The news server meets high standards of quality, transparency and ethics in journalism. We are not influenced by anyone or anything, therefore we can also call things by their true names.
If you also don't think it's right how the media is influenced by powerful people, if it bothers you how the media lies about Roma and you're fed up with manipulation, support the news server - support independent and truthful news about Roma, not only for Roma.
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Dobry den,
chtel bych Vas timto podporit v boji proti rasismu v CR. Reaguji na odpornou rasistickou rampan vedenou SPD. Preji Vam mnoho uspechu, vemte je k soudu a vyhrajte to!
Stepan Houska
CZK 500
Děkuji za Vaši práci a přeji hodně štěstí v této kampani.
Dobry den,
chtel bych Vas timto podporit v boji proti rasismu v CR. Reaguji na odpornou rasistickou rampan vedenou SPD. Preji Vam mnoho uspechu, vemte je k soudu a vyhrajte to!
Děkuji za Vaši práci a přeji hodně štěstí v této kampani.
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Ať se vám daří!
Hodně štěstí!