UPDATE AS OF 1.1. 2024
Our dear supporters,
we are extremely grateful to enter the new year with the following news: less than 14 days before the end of the fundraising campaign, we have raised our target amount! Thanks to you, children experiencing family violence will have access to sensitive and, above all, timely and professional help, which we will provide in the form of 270 interventions at the LOCIKA Centre. Thank you so much for this!
However, the idea that the more funds we raise, the more child victims of domestic violence will get help is still urgent. That is why we have decided to increase the number of interventions we will provide this year to 300 and the target amount to CZK 459,000 14 days before the end of the fundraising.
Let's take this step together to provide an additional 30 interventions for child victims . Your generosity is having a huge impact.
On behalf of the entire LOCIKA Center team
from ❤️, thank you.
UPDATE AS OF 20.12.2023
Our dear supporters,
it´s hard to find the words to thank you for your generosity. To date, we have reached our target amount of CZK 321,300 within twenty days of launching the fundraising collection. You are incredible! THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! 🙏
BUT IT DOESN'T STOP THERE. The more funds we raise, the more help will be provided to children who have become victims of domestic violence.
That's why we have decided to increase the target amount to CZK 413,100.
This step will ensure that more child victims of domestic violence will receive timely, sensitive and professional help at the Children's Advocacy Centre. For this amount we will be able to provide a total of 270 interventions.
"I don't know how long it takes for a person to freeze to death. Does it hurt? I'm outside now. I wish I could fall asleep here so I never have to go home again. I wanted to leave yesterday, but my dad beat me, and I couldn't stand up." - Jonas, 11 years old
Our dear supporters,
we are extremely grateful to enter the new year with the following news: less than 14 days before the end of the fundraising campaign, we have raised our target amount! Thanks to you, children experiencing family violence will have access to sensitive and, above all, timely and professional help, which we will provide in the form of 270 interventions at the LOCIKA Centre. Thank you so much for this!
However, the idea that the more funds we raise, the more child victims of domestic violence will get help is still urgent. That is why we have decided to increase the number of interventions we will provide this year to 300 and the target amount to CZK 459,000 14 days before the end of the fundraising.
Let's take this step together to provide an additional 30 interventions for child victims . Your generosity is having a huge impact.
On behalf of the entire LOCIKA Center team
from ❤️, thank you.
UPDATE AS OF 20.12.2023
Our dear supporters,
it´s hard to find the words to thank you for your generosity. To date, we have reached our target amount of CZK 321,300 within twenty days of launching the fundraising collection. You are incredible! THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! 🙏
BUT IT DOESN'T STOP THERE. The more funds we raise, the more help will be provided to children who have become victims of domestic violence.
That's why we have decided to increase the target amount to CZK 413,100.
This step will ensure that more child victims of domestic violence will receive timely, sensitive and professional help at the Children's Advocacy Centre. For this amount we will be able to provide a total of 270 interventions.
"I don't know how long it takes for a person to freeze to death. Does it hurt? I'm outside now. I wish I could fall asleep here so I never have to go home again. I wanted to leave yesterday, but my dad beat me, and I couldn't stand up." - Jonas, 11 years old

This Christmas, we are collecting CZK 321,300. With this, we will provide an additional 210 interventions in the form of sensitive, timely, and professional assistance to children who have become victims of domestic violence. This support will be provided at the Children's Advocacy Center, currently the only one in the Czech Republic.
In the last 8 years, 44 children have died from domestic violence related causes, 799 have suffered permanent damage to their health, and over 15,000 have needed therapy.
Help us change these figures. We wish that no child in the Czech Republic would die as a result of any form of violence. Help us make children's lives safe. Thanks to your donation, we can provide help to children whom we currently have to reject due to limited capacity.
Thank you for every gift that will help us stop violence against children together. ❤️
The LOCIKA Center is an organization that helps children and their families live life without violence. The goal is to minimize the impact of family violence on the child's development and establish healthy relationships with both parents so that the child can grow up in a respectful family environment.
We provide for free:
🔴 Distance and in-person specialized counseling
🔴 Childhood without Violence Chat
🔴 Prevention and education
🔴 Children's Advocacy Center
Ať je v dalším roce co nejméně dětí, na kterých je páchána taková nespravedlivost.
Sama jsem máma. Tohle se dít vůbec nemá. Proto jsem ráda součástí daru
Moc děkujeme, Veroniko ❤️
Děkuji za Vaši práci a hodně štěstí a zdraví všem dětem.
Děkujeme z celého ❤️, Markéto
Přejeme všem dětem krásné Vánoce, Koudelkovi
Lociko, děkuji za Vaši péči o děti i jejich rodiny. Děkuji i za Vaše inspirativní, názorné a stále aktuální infografiky.
Děkujeme za skvělou práci a posíláme 4 900 Kč.
Kolektiv Oddělení monitoringu a administrace Technologické agentury ČR
Moc vám všem děkujeme ❤️
Děkujeme za to, co děláte! Kéž jsou všechny děti šťastné 🤍
Děkujeme, Markéto ❤️
Darek, ktery ma smysl. Diky za vase aktivity, jsou skvele!
Děkujeme, Karolíno ❤️