Knihovna Václava Havla, nadační fond

Education and Research Children, Youth and Family

The Nineties

Almost half of children over the age of twelve have no idea what the Velvet Revolution was or why Czechoslovakia was divided. We are preparing a new educational project "The Nineties". We're charting our modern history in an engaging and unpretentious way. Please, support us and help to complete "The Nineties" and improve the ability of young people to think about this part of our history critically.

we started on 2023-11-14
raised 14 % out of  €11,872

supported by

36 people
This campaign is already closed. Thank you!

In the 1990s, Czech civil society was for the first time openly confronted with the reality of the West, the Czech economy clashed with the powerful force of financial capital, and Czech culture tried to seek its first sponsors... 

Although the nineties transformed our society in many ways and they are a key period in our modern history, the school curriculum has long paid little attention to it. It has to be changed and we want to help. The younger generation should understand the modern history of their country, and be able to look at it critically and with enlightenment. 

Help us make "The Nineties" project a reality so we can offer it to as many schools in the Czech Republic as possible.

Support this project even more and ask your friends to help Create campaign

Děláte skvělou práci.

CZK 10,000

Kdo nezná svou minulost, bude si jí muset prožít znovu.

Peter Mojzeš
CZK 1,000

Ať se podaří dobrý počin..

Jan Douša
CZK 1,000