Prague Pride z.s.

Human Rights Giving Information

Save Pride Village at Střelecký ostrov!

The sun is shining. There are thousands of people around you who want to celebrate their uniqueness without being judged. You don't have to hide anything because the rainbow is everywhere this week. It's an incredible freedom to be around people who are fully accepting of each other and don't care who looks what, what their hairstyle is, or what they're wearing. Enjoying time with friends or just being alone and soaking up the summer atmosphere of Pride Village at ”Střelák”... But what if everything is different this year?

raised 121 % out of  €19,810

supported by

1097 people
This campaign is already closed. Thank you!
There's a risk that we won't open Pride Village on Střelecký ostrov this year. It doesn't seem like it, but putting up a few booths isn't enough. The cost is up to a million crowns. We're often asked how you can help the festival. Now is the time. Money can't buy you happiness, but it can buy you a ”Střelák”. Every donation counts. 

We're the LGBT+ community, so let's help each other because the haters aren't giving us anything.  

Let's go back to where it all started
When we first held Prague Pride in 2011, the parade ended on the then-unrepaired Střelecký ostrov. It grew close to our hearts. It carries symbolism, emotions, and memories. In the following years, we opened the Pride Village on Střelecký ostrov, one of the most pleasant places of the festival. A place where we could meet, where some of us bathed in the Vltava river, where many stars performed, and where even those who came here simply because they were walking by felt comfortable. We don't want to lose this place, but unfortunately, it is in danger this year. 

What's so expensive about Pride Village? 
Střelecký ostrov is an open park, but during Prague Pride, it turns into a festival space where everything from security to booths to porta-potties has to be arranged. By the way, it costs 200 000 CZK to run them for a week. And after three beers, a porta-potty is definitely better than a bush. We have to cover all the necessary costs to keep the events running smoothly. No, the performers aren't the top-line item.

One really good reason to donate
We have been able to offer the vast majority of events at Pride Village for free. This year, however, threatens to be different. That's why we're asking for help from you, the festival visitors. Your donation will not only support the Pride Village but also allow those for whom paid events would be out of reach to experience a sense of freedom and belonging. These are especially the young or disadvantaged. The Prague Pride Festival has always been for all of us, regardless of age or social status, and it should remain so.

How will we use the money? 

100 000 CZK
Castaway Villager
Great, we have an island and don't have to use flint to turn on the electricity. 

300 000 CZK
The village has a sewage system 
There are porta-potties on the island in addition to the booths. Pride Village is starting to work as it should. 

400 000 CZK
The village has guards 
Security is our priority, and we can't do it without it. Hiring a security agency and paramedics for a week cost an additional 100 000 CZK. 

500 000 CZK
The village is dancing
The icing on the cake. The stage. We can put together a varied music and event program for another 100 000 CZK. 

600 000 CZK and more
The village is alive 
Navigation, rainbow decorations, deck chairs, sporting goods rental, a market of non-profit organizations, and other accompanying programs. The best Pride Village atmosphere ever. 

Are you interested in more information, a donation receipt, or a donation agreement? Email Sabina at
Support this project even more and ask your friends to help Create campaign

na prague pridu jsem potkali svého přítele, a celkově mi celá pride village přinesla hromadu nezapomenutelných zážitků <333 děkuju

CZK 100

Děkuju za vaše úsilí!!! 🌈

CZK 100


Michele Máchů
CZK 50

Doufám, že se třeba příští rok rozhoupam a přidám se... Užijte si to!

CZK 500

Acceptance and the protection of the human right to be yourself (when it’s not harming others) is very important to me and PRIDE means this.

Réka Egyházi

See you in August!! ♥️🧡💛💚💙💜

Nele Lammens
CZK 2,000


Monika Blochová

za tu úspěšnou maturitu dneska!

Anežka Zelinková

Kousek duhy a hodně lásky všem :).

CZK 1,000


CZK 1,000