Nadační Fond Chance 4 Children

Children, Youth and Family Socially Disadvantaged Groups

Scooter trip - before I turn 60

I want to ride my kick-bike for more than 600 km along a route that forms a symbolic 6 on the map. I will soon be 60 years old and I want to raise CZK 600,000 for the education of children in orphanages. It's a big challenge, but I am determined to face it. I am driving for the future of children from orphanages. Support me - you will give me courage!

we started on 2023-03-19

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130 people
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I am Markéta Franke, chairperson of the Chance 4 Children (C4C) Foundation. Our non-profit has a ,host of projects for children's homes, hospitals and homes for the elderly. For my kick-bike challenge, I chose to support C4C´s Springboard to Life program, providing education in children's homes. It really warms my heart when I see the changes in the children before and after coaching them, as well as their enthusiasm when someone pays attention to them. 

THEREFORE, MY CHALLENGE IS: I will soon be 60 years old, and I want to ride a kick-bike for more than 600 km along the route that forms the symbolic six on the map. I want to collect CZK 600,000 for the education of children in orphanages. I´ll start on April 4th in the afternoon in Krásná Lípa and I will reach Kačice by April 23rd in the evening. Check it out on the map. ;) On the route, I´ll visit children's homes where C4C teachers are already active.

I am riding for the future of children from orphanages. You can sponsor every meter of my trip! How much is up to you. Each meter = 1 CZK, ergo 200 meters = 200 CZK, 500 meters = 500 CZK, 1 kilometer is worth 1,000 CZK! Pick the distance of your choice. Every crown collected we will turn into a chance for children. For a better future for them. Education gives them the opportunity for a better life after foster care - for a better job and their own housing. It will also help them not to fall into debt. This has implications for society as a whole. A successful departure from their children’s homes depends precisely on knowledge, independence and training of practical skills. That's why C4C teachers and mentors go to children's homes. That's why I ride my kick-bike more than 600 km. That's why we need you to support me. You can follow me throughout my trip on FB Chance 4 Children or on YouTube Chance 4 Children. Check out where am I going, how am I coping and who do I meet along the way? It will definitely be fun to follow the journey. As you know: A plan is one thing and the possible pitfalls of the journey another ;) This is already my second fundraising trip on a kick-bike for C4C. 6 years ago I already made a similar journey - and yet, or precisely,  because of that, I'm doing it again. It was a success then and I hope I can do it again.

Thank you. And keep your fingers crossed - it won't be a cakewalk… ;)

Support this project even more and ask your friends to help Create campaign

Tak tady je videoshrnutí mé cesty!

I když je to již několik měsíců, co jsem dokončila svoji jízdu, stále se ozývaly ohlasy a navíc se pomalu dokutálely další paníze. K 31.12.2023 jsme evidovaii 542.740,- Kč. 

Co mi napsaly děti z Kačice :-)

Ohlédnutí bude asi více - ale tady poděkování pomocníkům!

V úterý si Markéta byla povídat naživo u našeho mediálního partnera - Relaf Rádia

Markéta je v cíli!
Markéta doslova ve finiši cedila krev ! Po 668km dlouhé cestě, jela  12 dní na koloběžce,  napříč republikou, kdy zastávkami její cesty byly dětské domovy. Jela v mrazu,v dešti a mlze , aby podpořila vzdělávání dětí v dětských domovech. I když se poslední dva dny počasí umoudřilo, při samotném dojezdu, pár desítek metrů před cílem, na silnici v nepřehledné zatáčce v kopci měla ošklivý pád a jen o vlásek neskončila pod koly kamionu . Naštěstí to odnesla "jen" ruka a pár odrenin. Markéta je neskutečná bojovnice !!!! V cíli, za zvuku rytmu afrických bubnů  Panda Banda / Panda Art Stream čekalo na naší Královnu koloběžku překvapení. V samotném cíli čekaly na Marketu děti z dětského domova Ledce Dětský domov Ledce , ktery byl její předposlední zastávkou. Přišly ji tak osobně za její odvážnou cestu poděkovat.  Sluší se poděkovat  Obec Kačice za  významnou pomoc při organizaci, , Relax Radio  a Kladenské listy  za mediální podporu (poslouchejte Marketu živě v úterý 25 dubna od 11-12 na Relaxu se skvělým Dan Adam Ovesný a kupte si v úterý Kladenské listy ) Poděkování patří všem úžasným lidem, kteří Marketu přišli v cíli podpořit. Dětem ze školky a školy a jejich paním učitelkam za krásne transparenty, vlaječky a mavatka. Také všem ,  kteří fandili až do posledního metru.

Koloběžka DEN 12:
Přátelé, Markéta je doma! 668 km a zatím 300.000 Kč...teď jen malé ohlédnutí za posledním dnem jízdy a veliké díky všem v Kačici za grandiózní přivítání! POřád ještě můžete na to, aby C4C mohla dál rozvíjet vzdělávací aktivity v dětských domovech.
Já si včerejší - DEN 12 vážně užila!

Koloběžka DEN 11 - včera měla Marketa Franke den první sluníčkový bez deště a přímo na Ladronce dosáhla hranici 600 km. A jede dál. Dnes v 18:00 protne cílovou pásku v Kačici. Přijďte na náves 😉

“Předposlední den mé cesty - plný radosti, pohody a vděčnosti. Tolik milých lidí mám kolem sebe! Děkuji!  Dnes jsem dosáhla 600 km! První úkol splněn! Tak v sobotu posledních 50 km a domů! 🙂”
Podpora od vás stále chodí. Děkujeme!

Koloběžka DEN 10:
Marketa Franke už je bolavá a vyčerpaná, tato cesta ji nešetřila a celých 10 dní měla ukrutné počasí. Ale vydržela a jede dál. Dnes projíždí Prahou a s každým se ráda potká v 17 hodin na Ladronka čestné kolečko s koloběžkou - počasí se má umoudřit.
Markéta o včerejšku říká:
“Tak věřím, že to nejtěžší mám za sebou. Kilometry sice bolí, ale teď už jich nebude tolik a je vykompenzováno krásnými setkání. Dojímá mě vaše podpora! Tolik dávných přátel a kolegů se ozvalo! Děkuji! “

A dnešní video stejně jako celá historie jízdy zde:

Koloběžka pro charitu DEN 9
Necháme promluvit přímo Markétu: “Už se vydávám z posledních sil. 70 km, 1364 nastoupaných výškových metrů a  mrazivý vítr mě hodně vyšťavili. Ale setkání s milými lidmi a vaše neskutečná podpora mi stále dává křídla! “
Podporujte každý další metr zde na Darujme.
Sledujte Markétu na denních "reportech":

Scooter DAY 8: the longest so far: 73 km and also the biggest elevation change (1182 m). And Markéta can't even imagine it without the rain 😀.
Thanks a lot to everyone who crossed their fingers and even bigger one to those who donated a crown. Every notification about a payment from Darujme will lift Markéta's mood and give her more strength for the next kilometers! Every payment beeps on her mobile phone and we believe that the her push on the scooter is all the stronger for it.

YouTube video summary: Day 08: Bernartice - Radenin - Kamberk, kilometres travelled: 73, total kilometres travelled: 459, amount collected: 1 93,000 CZK. Stops: Radenin orphanages. 

Today's trip is sponsored by: Templum in Corde. Thank you for your support. 44 km in a beautiful scenery, and yes, you guessed it, in rain :-)
So much water, and it continues to rain. Weather forecaster Marketa reports that even though the forecast for today said that it'll be 17 C and nice, it's not. It's raining and blows a strong wind against me. It's only 6 degrees, I have dripping nose, and I stopped in this beautiful forest to rest for a bit. Finally arrived at Radenin orphanage. Heart warming chat with the kids and care givers and another ribbon to my collection. Children accompanied me by running alongside my scooter in sporty manner. Another 30 km to reach my goal. Today we will rest at the bank of Kambersky pond. 

Huge thank you to all the sponsors and supporters. 

Day 7 of a fun scooter ride for charity in a nice and peaceful atmosphere. Only a positive surprises and I'm already used to the weather Markéta 😀

YouTube video summary: Day 07: Pliskovice - Zvikovske Podhradi - Pisek - Bernartice, kilometres travelled: 64, total kilometres travelled: 386, amount collected: 166.310 CZK. Stops: Pliskovice- meeting with Jana Sterbova - project Helpmate. Zvikovske Podhradi and Pisek orphanages. 

Jana is getting ready to let the horses out, interesting and in-depth talk with Jana in the video to follow. Today we've got online course of Help-mate, I can't miss it. Imagine, what a surprise, it was raining again, so we had to wait a bit. The rain stopped and I have a super duper company, Jana is going to ride with me to Zvikovske Podhradi. Nice meeting at Zvikovske Podhradi orphanage. At the workshop of our colleague Helena Zidkova followed by chat with the kids and the director. We also had enough time for some singing with the kids. Another ribbons added to my collection. Good-buy photo and I'm on my way. My next stop: Pisek orphanage... we talk outside. Can't miss a group shot. Only 20 km left to my today's goal... and unexpected and not planned meetings. Vasek from Pisek rode from Pisek and kept me a company for the next 9 km. And this is where we'll sleep tonight: Bernartice. Evening office work and cutting the video feeds. 

Huge thank you to all the sponsors and supporters. 

For goodness sake! 😞 Markéta's charity scooter was stolen tonight 😭
Support Markéta's bravery on her scooter journey - Before I'm 60 - overnight on the sixth day of the journey, they STOLE her scooter 😭 …. Today, Markéta will need your support more than usual 🙏😭 ... but she continues on her old, backup scooter! 😞

DAY 6 - an eventful day. Stolen scooter, reporting it to the police, Manfred's birthday, Sanpriya Vendy Tichotová in the hospice of St. Lazar in Pilsen, a wonderful group of scooterists who helped with the solution and also accompanied me for 25 km. We waded through the flooded trail together, had a delicious lunch, and the boys cheered me on to continue on my journey. The sun finally came out, even though I got wet today as well. Just a perfect Sunday. I'm pushing on! Follow my journey and keep your fingers crossed!

YouTube video summary: Day 06: Plzen - Stary Plzenec - Pliskovice, kilometres travelled: 65, total kilometres travelled: 322, amount collected: 144.350 CZK. Stops: Saint Lazar Hospice - meeting with Vendy Tichotova, Stary Plzenec - meeting with Jana Sterbova.
Somebody in Plzen stoled my scooter, we've reported it to the Police. It's Manfredn's birthday, he got an apple pie from Vendy. We are going together with Vendy to visit St. Lazar hospice. I visit here every 14 days, we begin with Yoga for aunts/teachers, then we have Yoga for children followed by singing songs together. I do here what is needed to make a difference. 
This is Brndygang - guys, who came to join me and to support me. And they gave me a hand with my old scooter. On our way to Stary Plzenec - we had to take off our shoes :-)
New scooter being prepared for me. Each situation had a solution. I'm here with Hasek Jun, from Stary Plzenec, he came on Sunday to help. Here is his shop, and Tx to him I can continue on my journey. Here is my 'gang' who acoompanies me today, Tx guys from Plzen. It's simply awesome. We're ready to move on. Well deserved dinner for all - even sun showed up :-) I have officially became the honourable member of Brndygang! Saying good buys, TX guys. I have safely reached the goal for my today's trip. 
A BIG THANK YOU to all the sponsors!!!

Scooter for the charity "Before I'm 60" DAY 5 and the weather is still "punishing" Markéta Franke, that is, testing her. 🙏
"When will the weather be kinder to me? But I won't give up! 🙂 At's all for and because of the children I meet along the way. Just like today in DD Trnová. Follow my charity ride and support me.”

YouTube video summary: Day 05: Route: Chyse - Trnova - Plzen, kilometers travelled: 52, total kilometres travelled: 257, amount collected: 131.150 CZK. Stops: Trnova orphanage.
The trip from Chyse to Trnova, once again in rain and fog and wind. I have arrived at Trnova orphanage and I have to admit, during the whole trip I have never been so cold as today. So I have to somehow get quickly warmed up. I believe that children will warm me up. 
Singing children's songs with the kids did the trick :o)
This kids song about the rain is so true, because it doesn't want to stop, it want to rain and I'm all wet. 
Beautiful talk with aunts/teachers. We want to thank you for all the activities which you do here, like Yoga with Jitka, you can see happiness and smiles on children's faces, you can tel that they're happy for this, different type of activity. 
I say good-buys to the children and move on towards Plzen. 
A huge THANK YOU to all of our sponsors. 

Scooter for charity DAY 4: it rained and poured. Markéta drives on - she says she drives better without socks when it rains. Support Markéta on her selfless journey. Every crown motivates her to endure. She exceeded 200 km of the route, so she is in a third of the six hundred mark 💪 (but not in a third of the target amount 😞) Marketa's words? "So day number 4 of my charity ride. A little relaxing - less kilometers, no "officials" just visiting friends. The weather is not good. But I'm going on!”

YouTube video summary: Day 04: Route: Zatec - Chyse, kilometers travelled: 43, total kilometres travelled: 205, amount collected: 123.750 CZK. Stops: Krasna Dvur - Mood family visit. 
Today, we've spend the night in Zatec, next to the river, and its raining again, and it won't stop for the whole day, nothing to worry, I'll ride on, so keep your fingers crossed for me. So today it's not much of a view, it's raining, cloudy, but still our land is most beautiful. 
So what are your impressions, how is the rain? So after my rainy ride, I, once more, found out that I'm not made of sugar :o)
How many kilometers you have behind you? Give me a second, 182 km. So one third of a trip is done? Not completely, I will drive over 600 km. I'm here at this beautiful court yard, where I have a pleasure to stop for a visit with my fantastic friend and big supporters of C4C, family Mooz. Thank you for fantastic welcome, and fantastic stop and it still raining, so we'll keep on going. Thank you that I have you. Chance 4 Children, we have our fingers crossed for you. And I'm off to visit another castle of Chyse. So I have crossed 200 km mark. The end of todays ride - Castle Chyse. 
A big THANK YOU to all the sponsors. 

Scooter for charity "Before I turn 60" Day 3:
Markéta Franke admits:
"In the morning I thought I wouldn't make it. It was a long and tiring 6 hours against the wind. But I made it. And thank you all so much for your support!”
Motivate Markéta to drive the 600 km! Every crown goes to the education of children in orphanages:

YouTube video summary: Day 03: Route: Litomerice - Zatec, kilometers travelled: 64, total kilometres travelled: 162, amount collected: 92.050 CZK. Stops: Litomerice and Zatec orphanages. 
Morning in Litomerice with greetings and wishes of many driven kilometers was followed by a nice talk with the directress of the orphanage followed by saying goodbyes to Barborka. The wind is exhausting me, I don't understand why it's blowing all the time against me, it's not helping me at all. If I was going fast, then I could understand that he feels jealous, but I'm going slowly and he won't give up, it blows and slows me down. After 64 km I arrived at Zatec orphanage. Everyone has to give it a try at the push bike. I had a very nice talk with the directress of the orphanage followed by saying goodbyes to the children. Yesterday I have also met with my mentee. 
Heart fell thank you to all our sponsors. 

Scooter for charity "Before I turn 60" - Day 2.
As Markéta evaluates the second day: "The weather was kind to me today and the journey was pleasant. But I'm starting to feel my legs! Thanks to everyone who supports me. Join in! Every buck counts:

YouTube video summary: Day 02: Route: Decin - Usti nad Labem - Litomerice, kilometers travelled: 56, total kilometres  travelled: 96, amount collected: 81.150 CZK. Stops: Usti nad Labem  orphanage. Sponsor of the day: HuMaInn.
The whole day on a beautiful road next to Labe river. Visit at Usti nad Labem orphanage, heart touching welcome by the children and another ribbon added to my collection. Meeting with aunts, who are part of Helpmate project. Saying good buys and continuing on my journey next to Labe river to Litomerice - today travelled 56 km. 
I travelled slow because:
a. I'm no longer 20
b. I don't want to be in a hurry
c. Taking in the views
d. Wind blows against me
e. Phone never stops ringing
f. I answer messages and e-mails
g. I eat often
And when evening comes, I process the day's trip to send it out to the world. 
A huge thank you to all of our sponsors...

The scooter for charity IT'S ON ITS WAY! What was DAY 1 like? Marketa is busy and still has 11 days and hundreds of kilometers ahead of her! Follow her and support education in children's homes.

YouTube video summary: Day 01: Route: Ceska Lipa - Decin, kilometers travelled: 36, amount collected: 75.450 CZK. Stops: Ceska Lipa and Ceska Kamenice orphanages, Decin - meeting with the mentee. Sponsor of the day: Behavee
Home baked bread for breakfast at "Ferda" the motorhome. Preparing equipment and it's already pouring cats and dogs. Today I'm push biking thanks to Behavee. Very nice meeting at Krasna Lipa orphanage, we've received a beautiful T-shirt with kids drawings. Still raining and I do look, well just see for yourself. I decided to go with no socks, better wet feet then wet socks... even though it's only 5°C, but the nature around me is breath taking. Meeting at Ceska Kamenice orphanage, I have received another gift, hand made by the kids. The rain stops finally! Another stop at Decin and well deserved supper followed by a heart warmed meeting with our co-worker Ivet. 
Thank you to all my sponsors. 

Already the pre-start transfer was not according to plan and tested our mental resilience! Follow Marketa on a scooter for charity - today she starts from Krásná Lípa 👍
Video "zero" by Markéta:
We arrived at the starting point. Even though it looked as we'll not make it!! But we didn't panic and thanks to the good people we managed to overcome some difficulties today.
Thanks to those who support my ride. Every crown here at Darujme is a great motivation for me!

YouTube video summary: The adventure begins, our Ferda - the motorhome - 5 km from our home, decided that it was time to stop! Thanks to our amazing friends, like Martin from Lhota, who came saw the problem, fixed the problem and after two hours of not planned stop, we were on our way! Thank you Martin. We've reached our goal of Krásná Lipa, and it lives to it's name - Krasna, meaning beautiful. 
Tomorrow 11.4 - Day 1, I'll visit orphanages in Krasna Lipa and Ceska Kamenice, we'll stop for the night someplace around Decin, I'm planning to pushbike 39 km. Thank you to all of you who have supported my fund-raising trip... credits at the end of the video :o)

Zabaleno, doprovodné obytné vozidlo pro noclehy nachystáno a přemístěno na start. Zítra, v úterý, vyráží Markéta na koloběžce vstříc svému dobrodružství z Krásné Lípy  na 12 dní přes 600 km.  Obytňák se každý den přesune dál čekat a poskytnout prostor na nocleh. Markéto, držíme prsty. Podpořte každý metr koloběžky: zde na

Short video: 

Výzva pro rok 2023 - než mi bude 60 let, chci ujet přes 600 km (přesně 635) a vybrat 600.000 Kč na vzdělávání v dětských domovech. Jedu na koloběžce trasu ve tvaru "magické" šestky. Sdílej tento vizuál pro větší podporu! Děkuji moc.

Již před 6 lety, na podzim 2016, jsem na koloběžce dětské domovy objížděla. Tenkrát jsem ujela za 12 dní 611 kilometrů a vybralo se 450.000 Kč. Mrkni se na VIDEO Z ROKU 2016

Zajímá tě podrobná cesta, které dětské domovy navštívím, kde se zastavím? Zde je PLÁN CESTY: MAPA PODROBNÁ

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K těm tvým krásným šedesátinám :o)

Olga Čepičková
CZK 600

Všechno nejlepší k narozeninám, Markét!

Štěpánka Bejlková

Hodně štěstí všem co pomáháš, a Tobě kilometry s příběhy. :-)

Pavel Křenek
CZK 1,000

Koloběžka je super! Držíme palce!

Saša Krško
CZK 1,000

Markéto vše nejlepší, pevné zdraví, veselou mysl a nadále zůstaň, jaká jsi! Jana K.

Jana Kuželíková
CZK 2,000

Diky za to, co delate

Marketa Frankova

Gratulujem Irene a Petrovi Moozovym k ich Sixty / Sixty

Peter Benuska

Za Moozovi!:)


Happy Sixty to You and to Irena and Petr! ;)


Na zdravi Moozovych 60/60.
Klara a Radek

Klara Castova