SaR Ústecko / JCAC CZ

Humanitarian Aid Help for Ukraine


We are the first unit in the Czech Republic, but also in the entire European Union, to be given the opportunity to go to help in south-eastern Ukraine. The home K9 rescue unit Antares, through the commander of Response Rescue International, requested assistance in searching not only for missing persons, but also for bodies not discovered during rescue operations or left unassisted during military operations.

we started on 2023-03-15
raised 12 % out of  €29,557

supported by

24 people
This campaign is already closed. Thank you!
Sometimes you feel like the whole world has gone crazy. Well, since February 24, 2022, when war broke out a few thousand miles away. War without scruples, war without rules. A war where anything is possible.
 And in this world, unfortunately, one click of a button, a trigger, and there's no place to hold your prom. No place to shop, no place to give birth. And when the war moves on, it's a big no-man's land. A land that Death has swept through. Death that steals the chance to finish your story.

"Every body has a name, every name has a story..."

Since the first days of the war, the ANTARES Canine Rescue Club in the southeast and east of Ukraine has been providing a service to its homeland that none of the handlers ever thought would be needed. Rescue dogs not only search for missing persons who, for example, in shock, no longer find their way home.
But also those who unfortunately couldn't find their way back...

"...and every story deserves to be told."

During 2022, we started training in the Czech Republic under the guidance of John Miskelly, a foreign mentor and trainer of the international professional organization NTIDPU, who shortly afterwards invited us to establish the international rescue organization Response Rescue International. Together with Scotland, we became the first piece of the jigsaw which today includes 12 national organisations from Germany and Poland, among others. And Ukraine.
In January 2023, Larisa Borysenko approached the RRI commander asking for help. Material, but also personnel. And that's when our moment came. So if you will help us
Response Rescue International Czech Republic currently has a trained team ready to go to help. There is only one thing missing. We need to cover the costs of the mission. And we can't do it without you.
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Udělali jsme krátké shrnutí toho, co se událo během posledních dní. Skoro měsíc už máme sbírku v běhu a pořád potřebujeme strašně moc pomoct.
Krátké shrnutí najdete tady

It's great. We are past the first milestone of 15.000,- CZK and we have also managed to reduce the cost of ballistic protection for both members and the dog by almost 2/3. From the original amount of almost 85.000,- we should be able to get about 25 thousand. And that's great. Mega. That's why we take the liberty to add this difference amount to "other fundraising resources".  Do you want to know what we specifically need this amount for? Maybe you can help directly with goods instead of money ;) you can find the presentation on this line.  Now ;) we have a weekend full of training and some shorter spins from training to see how not only the collection but also Emex is moving. And I. Looking forward to next week, Michal

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Všechno, co chcete vědět a třeba jsme to zatím neřekli najdete tady MISE: NA ŠTÍTĚ

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Díky! Na jednu stranu to bude hodně smutná práce - ale z psychologického a citového hlediska velmi potřebná.

Lucie Johnová
CZK 300