Disaster Aid Europe, z. s.

Humanitarian Aid Help for Ukraine

Disaster Aid Europe: Help for Ukraine!

Disaster Aid Europe (www.disasteraideurope.com), a project of Rotary Club Prague International, is seeking donations so that we can continue to facilitate the sending of humanitarian aid: Ujeta Care water filter systems, hygiene products, food and more via our Rotary network in Kosice, Uzhgorod and Kharkiv for distribution to the needy in the Ukraine. Initially our DAE branded trailer made 8 trips taking needed items over the Slovak/Ukraine border to local Rotarians in Uzhgorod for further distribution in Ukraine. We have sent generators and Ujeta Care water filters to Rotary Club Kharkiv-Multinational for distribution in the Kharkiv region.

we started on 2023-02-14

supported by

5 people
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secured by Darujme.cz
Disaster Aid Europe z.s, a project of Rotary Club Prague International, focuses on providing help & support to local Rotarians and other NGOs to help rebuild communities after disasters (www.disasteraideurope.com​).  DAEurope is a partner of Disaster Aid International, a global Rotary initiative.
In this project, we assist local Rotarians in Ukraine to help and support Ukrainians in Ukraine and fleeing Ukrainians. We also use our branded trailer to bring needed items to those in need.

Support this project even more and ask your friends to help Create campaign

Hi Stuart
You are doing good work!!

Jarmo Vainionpää

I'm making this donation for the Rotary Club of Cape Charles in Cape Charles, Virginia, USA.
Paul Strong, Treasurer

Paul Strong