Education and Research Culture, Art and History

Institute of Memory of the Nation Brno

It’s easy to forget. That’s why we record and re-tell testimonies we don’t want to disappear. We’ve interviewed thousands of witnesses already. We’re convinced that our parents’ and grandparents’ experiences with totalitarian regimes in the 20th century can help all of us protect freedom and democracy in the present day. We document, tell stories, educate and help others. We couldn’t have done any of this without you. Thanks for your support!

we started on 2022-11-23

supported by

47 people
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The Brno National Memory Institute is dedicated to preserving and disseminating stories of heroism and resistance during totalitarian regimes, as well as promoting the values ​​of freedom, democracy and human rights. Through our exhibitions, educational programs for schools and public events, we bring historical events closer to a new generation and the public.

Your support will help us:

  • Continue to collect and preserve valuable eyewitness accounts
  • Organize exhibitions like The Quiet Heroes that bring powerful stories of those who risked everything for freedom
  • Implement workshops and educational activities for schools to help young people understand how important history is to our present
  • Create new documentary projects and expand the archive of testimonies that remain a permanent legacy for future generations
Your donations make a real impact. Every amount, big or small, helps preserve our history and support education about the importance of freedom and human rights.

If you want to become a bigger partner of the Brno National Memory Institute, don't hesitate to contact us by email:

Join us and support our work. Together we can keep the stories that must not be forgotten alive!

Thank you for your support
Institute of Memory of the Nation Brno

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Obrovské díky za obří službu lidem a zemi. Připomínaní příběhu je zásadní pro neopakování chyb našich předků. Děkuji! @MS_Historie

Martin Sklenář


Ondřej Popelka
CZK 5,000

úspěšný rok 2023

Michal Kvapil
CZK 2,000