NePornu, z. s.

Giving Information

NePornu 2023

Our goal is to raise awareness of the dangers of pornography, which has negative influence on our health, our relationships, and our society, and to help (especially through e-coaching) those who are struggling with addictive behavior connected with watching pornography.

we started on 2022-10-31

Support NePornu 2023

raised 102 % out of  €23,976

supported by

280 people
This campaign is already closed. Thank you!
Project NePornu has been helping people addticted to porn and their partners since 2018.

You can check out our work at the website (in Czech).

How do we help?

Year by year, people are more and more interested in the help we offer. Here is an overview of how many people contacted us hor help: 
  • In 2018, it was 66 clients
  • In 2019, it was 243 clients 
  • In 2020, it was 426 clients
  • In 2021, it was 615 clients 
  • In 2022, i was 607 clients 
  • And this year, we already have over 416 clients so far (end of August)
    • At this moment, we have 40 active e-coaches 
In 2022, we created an Entry Course (Vstupní kurz) for new clients, which informs them about our services and how e-coaching works. And at the beginning of 2023, we published a new course: 30 days without porn - version for women. In the past, we also published these online courses in Czech:
The project also received a lot of atttention in the media. You can check out the list of all media where the project appeared on our website here

Plan for 2023

We want to continue in our efforts, and so we have set up these goals for 2023:

Budget for 2023

Total budget for 2022 is about 1,900,000 CZK (77,000 USD).

This covers salaries, education and supervision of our e-coaches, online promotion to raise awareness, and other expenses (e.g. renting the office, accounting, etc.).

At this moment, we have about 700,000 CZK on regular and promised donations. Then, we want to raise about 600,000 CZK from larger donors and foundations. And therefore, we have set the goal of this fundraising campaign to 600,000 CZK to cover the whole budget for 2023.  

If you want to read our annual report or wish to receive regular quarterly newsletters, please go to our website here (in English).

If you have any question, please feel free to contact us at info(at) 
Support this project even more and ask your friends to help Create campaign

Osvěta je dobrá věc. Vytváříte lepší společnost.

CZK 1,000

Vaše stránky mi moc pomohly. Děkuji za to , co děláte. Vytrvejte, má to smysl.

CZK 200

Prosím o modlitbu

CZK 1,000

Ahoj. Ze srdce za Vás děkuji Bohu, že děláte tuto důležitou, ale ne příliš komfortní práci pro naši společnost. Problematika pornografie je velmi vážná a málokdo o ní dnes mluví, natož se jí vážně zabývá. Moc za to děkuji a přeji ať Vaše práce a služba v této oblasti nese hojné ovoce.

Martin Bílek
CZK 500

Díky za Vaši práci.


Díky za to, co děláte!!

Andy Vopalecký


CZK 3,000

Kolik jsem utratil na onlyfans, tolik dám Nepornu.. celkem to bude 59 000.. proti zlu se musí bojovat!

CZK 6,686

Díky za to co děláte, měli jste velký podíl na tom, že jsem se ze závislosti dostal. Opravdu to jde, hlavní je to nevzdat!
