Ponto z.s.

Philanthropy and Volunteering Animals

Help our piggies pay for the vet

Our piggies Bobo, Lucifer and Moksha need vaccines as well as have a regular check-up to make sure they are ok. Please help us collect the money to pay the vet :-)

we started on 2022-09-29

Help PONTO Animal Sanctuary vaccinate all the piggies


supported by

15 people
This campaign is already closed. Thank you!
There are currently several pigs living at PONTO animal sanctuary. They have all been rescued from very poor conditions, or even saved from death. Every 6 months, a vet comes to us to give them necessary vaccines and check up on them, to make sure they are ok. Once again we turn to you, asking to help us out, so that we can continue helping them.

Support this project even more and ask your friends to help Create campaign


Monika Zejbrdlichová (lea Korda)
CZK 250


Jakub Kiedrowski