We don't know Luna's story, but our guess is her people abandoned her when school started and she became an inconvenience. 😞 We think so because she was found at the start of September, when she was about two months old. One day, no Luna. The next day there she was, roaming around garbage cans, not knowing what to do. 😢 She was lucky to not be injured. Lucky to not be alone younger. But still, no kitten should feel abandoned and unwanted. 😿

Luna is now in her foster care, waiting for all the necessary treatment (vaccinations etc.) to end. 🐾 Then, she will be able to start looking for her new family. Someone who will cherish her forever instead of love just for the summer. 🌅
Please, will you donate for her veterinary care and show her she's not alone anymore? ❤️
Donations exceeding the expenses of taking care of particular animal will be used to get help to animals in need, in accordance with the announced collection.
ať z něho vyroste silná a zdravá kočička !