Pet Heroes z.s.


Help ill Marcel

We took in our care 4 months old male kitten, emaciated and ill, with strong diarrhea and bad blood values. He's hospitalized and fighting. Please, help us save the kitten by sending a donation for his treatment. 🙏

we started on 2022-09-12
raised 100 % out of  €990

supported by

46 people
This campaign is already closed. Thank you!
There's a suspicion Marcel has panleukopenia. If you've never heard about it, be glad for it. It's also called cat plague and it's a big danger. 😢 It's not comfirmed for Marcel yet, so we still have hope it's not it. We have to wait for lab results. We truly hope very much it's not panleukopenia! 🙏🙏

Poor Marcel has had lots of bad luck in life. It's not fair at all that such a small kitten has to fight for his own life. 💔 Luckily, he's in the care of an awesome veterinarian and he even already feels a bit better – no diarrhea anymore!

Please, help Marcel in his fight by sending a donation to cover the cost of the hospitalization, medicine etc. We're estimating the cost to be CZK 15 000 (EUR 612), so your help is very much needed.

A huge thank you for everyone!
Donations exceeding the expenses of taking care of particular animal will be used to get help to animals in need, in accordance with the announced collection.
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He's not completely healthy yet, but according to the vet, there was no reason to keep him hospitalized. So, Marcel can continue with his treatment in the comfort of his foster care. 😍😍😍 That made him very happy, because his foster auntie has more time for him than the vet and she cuddles with him waaaaay more than the vet. 🥰

Marcel was hospitalized for almost two weeks, we received an invoice for him for CZK 18 337 (EUR 744), which is more than we expected originally. 😰 Moreover, the treatment is not done yet, so there will probably be more expenses for the medicine. On top of that, the kitty will be neutered, vaccinated and microchipped in the future and of course, food and cat litter also isn't free... Overall, the cost of taking care of Marcel will be around CZK 25 000 (EUR 1014). That's not a small amount at all, so we're once again asking you to help us. 🙏

Marcel's condition is better and better. We're so glad! 🙏 It even looks like he will be able to move to his foster care soon. 😍❤️

During the last couple of days, Marcel is much more lively and he's starting to act like a small kitten again. He wants to be dismissed from the vet already. He wants attention and cuddles! Hopefully it will happen soon. 🍀🥰


We couldn't wish for anything better. ❤️ He's not completely allright yet and he's staying hospitalized. However, we hopefully don't have to worry about his life anymore. Phew. What a relief! 🙏❤️ 

There's still CZK 4 139 (EUR 168) missing to cover the estimated cost of Marcel's treatment and hospitalization, but also food etc. Please, if you can, suppport Marcel by sending a donation. 🙏

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Na tohoto kocourka jsme se složili společnými silami - Komunita Batmanové <3

CZK 3,000

Přeji uzdravení co nejdříve a milující domov!!

Jana Šafrová
CZK 200

Ať se kočičák uzdraví !

Jiřina Bischoffiová
CZK 1,000