Černí koně, z.s.

People with disabilities Sport and Leisure Time

Bike challenge for ADAM 2023

Bike challenge for ADAM is a sports challenge with aim to collect the financial help to disabled children. Each of us can help them get the special bicycles. You can run, cycle, walk or in-line skate anywhere in the world and decide if you donate yourself or dedicate your kilometers to us and our partner will turn them into finance.

we started on 2022-09-01

Donate to our cause

Bike challenge for ADAM is a sports challenge with aim to collect the financial help to disabled children. Each of us can help them get the special bicycles.
raised 181 % out of  €19,885

supported by

770 people
This campaign is already closed. Thank you!
Come and join us again, you will help get special bikes for disabled children!

4th edition of the Bike Challenge for Adam
22.-30. 7. 2023

The purpose of our challenge is to do sports together for 9 days - cycling, running, walking, scootering, inline skating, swimming. Every single kilometer logged during the challenge will be counted and our partners will turn the kilometres into money, which will be used to make special bicycles for disabled children.

We are counting your kilometers between 22 and 30 July 2023 from anywhere in the world!

Report your kilometres using the form on our
website, where you will find more details.

The whole event will start at the
Letovická24 race, where a rich family programme will be prepared throughout Saturday, July 22. Come to greet us, cycle and enjoy time together!

Everyone of you can join 


Support this project even more and ask your friends to help Create campaign

Jakýkoli pohyb je pro handicapovaného člověka nesmírně důležitý. Mluvím z vlastní zkušennosti. Ať to šlape !!! :-) Honza

Jan Hnulík
CZK 100

Od ledna 2023 do června 2023 jsme nachodili a najezdili 3063 km. Posíláme proto zaokrouhlenou částku na 3500. Díky za to, co děláte :) Fišaři

Kateřina Fišarová
CZK 3,500

Ať se akce podaří a kolo dobře slouží.

Ivana Drmolová
CZK 100

Ať to jezdí :)

Barbora Starcová
CZK 200

Držím pěsti

Monika Šrajbrová
CZK 500

Přeji minimálně stejný úspěch výzvy a množství km jako loni

Michal Šurc
CZK 500

aspoň nějak pomoci 🙏

MUDr. Alice Prusenovská
CZK 10,000


Michal Hudec
CZK 15,000