Little Aurora is very sick and she can't see. Please, will you help us get her everything necessary for her to get better? 🙏
We're in tears. This is Aurora, little kitten that knows only suffering instead of play and joy. She didn't do anything wrong, she just had lots of bad luck... 💔
She's in serious condition, malnourished, breathes strangely, can't see. The vet prescribed her antibiotics and a special eye gel. Right now, no one can say in what condition exactly the eyes are and if we will be able to save the eyes... if she even still has them. 😢
Aurora is in safety now, that's the first step to saving her. But there's still a long fight in front of her. We will do everything we can for her to pull through, but Aurora needs your help as well. Please, help us save a kitten life and donate for Aurora's treatment. 🙏Donations exceeding the expenses of taking care of particular animal will be used to get help to animals in need, in accordance with the announced collection.
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Aurorko bojuj 💙🙏🍀
Hana Pilčíková
CZK 200
Držím palce, ať se koťátko podaří zachránit. Budu její stav sledovat. Děkuji, ze pomáháte.
Aurorko bojuj 💙🙏🍀
Držím palce, ať se koťátko podaří zachránit. Budu její stav sledovat. Děkuji, ze pomáháte.
Moc si přeji, aby byl vesmír nakloněn k záchraně.
Myslíme na tebe, koťátko 😢😻