Prague Pride z.s.

Culture, Art and History Human Rights

Adopt a flag and paint Prague rainbow with us

Are you also looking forward to the rainbow flags decorating the bridges and streets of Prague again during the festival week? The mission of Prague Pride includes commemorating the movement for equal rights for LGBT+ people, and the rainbow flag as a symbol is inseparable from that mission.


supported by

28 people
This campaign is already closed. Thank you!
This year we want the city to really shine with colour. So we decided to buy flags that can't be destroyed or burned, and to fix them in such a way that even the strongest wind can't hurt them. Moreover, for the first time ever this year, Prague will be adorned with a progressive flag that will pay tribute to all LGBT+ people, as it embodies all the diversity and variety that queer people represent for society. And we'd like to install at least 40 of them around the Saturday's parade route. But better quality flags with special anchoring cost money, so we need your help.

The price of one flag is 60 EUR and the installation on the flagpole is another 60 EUR, so the installation of one flag will cost us 120 EUR. Join in this year's decoration of the city and adopt your rainbow progressive flag. You can either adopt just a portion and split the amount with a friend, for example, or we will pair your amount with someone who donates the other portion. Of course, you can support us more and adopt the whole flag and installation. We'll let you know the exact location of the flag you donated to so you can maybe take a picture with it!

Adopt your flag and help us make Prague truly rainbow this year during the festival!

Interested in more information, a donation receipt or a donation agreement?
Email Honza at
Support this project even more and ask your friends to help Create campaign

Přeji ať se PP2022 vydaří.

Bea Podholova
CZK 1,500

Hezký duhový Pride!
Těšíme se :-)

Zdeněk a Honza

Každý má mít právo svobodně milovat, koho chce...

CZK 3,000

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Aneta Ečeková Maršálová
CZK 3,000

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Myo V.

Manželství pro všechny ❤️🏳️‍🌈

Pavlína Soukupová
CZK 3,000

dekuji za prace pro komunitu!

Remi Diligent
CZK 1,500

Držím palce!

Josef Datel
CZK 3,000