Children, Youth and Family
Socially Disadvantaged Groups
The Angel Camp 2022
So that kids of prisoners could be kids again - to play, to laugh, to sing, to run in forests and to find friends!
"I am not looking forward to the summer break. Why should I? Me and my brother will spend the whole summer at home and wandering around our neighborhood. My dad's in prison. And my mom can hardly make ends meet for herself and for us. And then the beginning of the school year will be the worst! Everyone's going to brag about their amazing summer experiences. Except for me."
There's roughly 30 thousand children in the Czech Republic who have their mom or dad in prison. These children didn't do any wrong, but still carry the consequence of their parent's wrongdoing. Yet even the children of inmates deserve to have a chance for a better life. That's why we want to give them at least one week when they can be themselves again: they can play, laugh, sing, run around in the woods, make friends who don't judge them because of the mistake their parents made. At the Angel Camp we try and create a safe environment where children can:
share their struggles with qualified professionals (this can be the first time someone is actually really listening to them)
experience acceptance and personalized care
have hope again
relax, have fun, experience joy and fellowship - all the things that children really need
There's a lot of children who have experience with their parent being in prison. That's why for the summer of 2022 we're preparing two camps again!
Join us in helping these children of inmates experience a week full of fun and also experience assurance that they are not forgotten!
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Děkujeme :-) Díky dárcům jako vy budou krásné :-)
Hezký tábor!
Děkujeme :-) Bez vás dárců by tento tábor tak hezký nebyl a děti by si ho tak neužily !
Každé dítě si zaslouží šťastné chvíle! ❤️
Děkujeme za příspěvek na šťastné chvíle pro děti, které jich mnoho v životě nezažijí :-)