Sarah is an offspring of two siblings, she's been ill since she was little, she's skinny, small, doesn't eat much and even though she's an adult kitty, she doesn't have a lot of teeth. 😢
We took Sarah to the vet to have her hospitalized, so that the vet looked at her and found out what health issues trouble her. The fate of the other kitties is also being solved, most of them has already found a home.
🙏 We will be very grateful for any donation to cover the cost of Sarah's veterinary care, for her to get better. We hope we will manage to give her a chance to have a happy kitty life. We wish that very much. 🙏
Everyone imagines rescuing cats differently. Sometimes, it goes wrong and unfortunately, there are people who mean well but who don't understand that saving kitties also means neutering them when they have them home. 😐
So, one lady who thought she's helping and saving kitties from the streets, had kitties overcrowding in her home. Sarah is one of these kitties. She is an offspring of two siblings, she's been ill since she was little, she's skinny, small, doesn't eat much and even though she's an adult kitty, she doesn't have a lot of teeth. 😢
We took Sarah to the vet to have her hospitalized, so that the vet looked at her and found out what health issues trouble her. The fate of the other kitties is also being solved, most of them has already found a home.
🙏 We will be very grateful for any donation to cover the cost of Sarah's veterinary care, for her to get better. We hope we will manage to give her a chance to have a happy kitty life. We wish that very much. 🙏
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Já i můj kočičí gang držíme Sarah palečky, nechť se jí brzo uleví a uzdraví se.
Miluše Niklová
CZK 500
Hodně štěstí :)
Tereza Škvorová
CZK 100
Ať se jí už jenom daří a je jí lépe.
Eliška Smejkalová
Hodne stesti Sarah i jejim sourozencum! Posilame podrbani.
Já i můj kočičí gang držíme Sarah palečky, nechť se jí brzo uleví a uzdraví se.
Hodně štěstí :)
Ať se jí už jenom daří a je jí lépe.
Hodne stesti Sarah i jejim sourozencum! Posilame podrbani.