Ukraine is bleeding. We don’t have to stand by and watch the lawlessness and aggression our friends are facing just because they’ve decided to share our values of freedom and democracy. For a year and a half now we’ve been buying protective and medical equipment and doing all we can to ensure it reaches Ukraine as fast as possible and gets to the places where it is needed most. Thousands of vests and helmets sent by our organisation are being used by defenders on the front lines, several tonnes of medical equipment is saving lives. We have also supplied fire trucks, ambulances, power generators, drones, and optical devices.
The important things do not change with the times. Whether it’s the stories from the times we ourselves faced war and totalitarianism or the ones happening right now just a few hundred kilometres away from us, they are connected by the longing for freedom, safety, and one’s home. Our own experience with war and totalitarianism in the 20th century makes us obligated to help others.
The month of February is undeniably etched into the memory of all people in Ukraine. Since none of us are indifferent to the fate of this country, we decided to organize a rally together with People in Need, Million Moments for Democracy and the European Congress of Ukrainians to commemorate the 2nd anniversary of the war. We want to say to Ukrainians: 'We are with you. This is also our struggle and a struggle for our future." Join us on Saturday, February 24, 2024 from 4 to 5 pm at Old Town Square, where, among others, President of the Czech Republic Petr Pavel and other interesting guests will speak.
All materials needed have been consulted with experts from the Army of the Czech Republic. The recipients of our aid are predominantly frontline fighters, members of special forces units. The assistance is implemented through the Embassy of Ukraine in the Czech Republic. Representatives of the Czech Embassy in Kyiv then oversee the correct use and distribution of the material to those in need.
You can also contribute to the charitable fund with a direct payment to the donations account: 123-6318620207/0100 (for donations from abroad: IBAN: CZ 7601000001236318620207, BIC / SWIFT code: KOMBCZPPXXX). Contact:
Thank you for your support!
Jsou strašně stateční a bojují za nás všechny....
Long live Ukraine!!
Myslíme na vás, přátelé. Tohle Putina smete !
Bojujete i za nas! Diky
Na podporu proti zlu.
Sláva Ukrajině!!!
Kdy když ne teď, kdo když ne my.
Jako důchodci, kteří zažili vpád sovětských okupantů v 68., se snažíme trochu přispět. Myslíme na všechny Ukrajince, kteří bojují i za nás a děkujeme. Sláva Ukrajině!
Your are brave and fighting for us as well. Thank you.