Černí koně, z.s.

People with disabilities Sport and Leisure Time

Bike challenge for ADAM

Bike challenge for ADAM is a sports challenge with aim to collect the financial help to disabled children. Each of us can help them get the special bicycles. 2022 is already the third year of our challenge. We invite you to join us between July 23rd – 31st, 2022. You can run, cycle, walk or in-line skate anywhere in the world and decide if you donate yourself or dedicate your kilometers to us and our partner will turn them into finance.

we started on 2022-02-04

Donate to our cause

Bike challenge for ADAM is a sports challenge with aim to collect the financial help to disabled children. Each of us can help them get the special bicycles.

supported by

800 people
This campaign is already closed. Thank you!

Come and join us again, you will help get special bikes for disabled children! ‍


We are counting your kilometers between 23 and 31 July 2022 from anywhere in the world!
You can join us not only by exercising, but also by any financial contribution and especially by sharing the entire challenge with the people around you. Get your whole family, friends or work colleagues involved. Every kilometer you drive means something – someone covers 5 kilometers on their way to go shopping, while others manage to get around the entire country. It’s up to you. Don’t like bikes? It doesn’t matter, a walk in the forest or on the beach is also a great way to support us.
Our goal this year is a combined 100,000 kilometers,
for which these wonderful partners will send a contribution of CZK 500,000 to the collection.
Sign up for our challenge and report every kilometer you walk or drive. Actively involve the people around you. The more of us there are, the greater the chance we have to help other children!

All collected funds will be transferred via the established collection to the non-profit organization Černí koně, which will make bicycles for disabled children on their behalf.

For the very brave this year, our founder Martin Souček is organizing a sports challenge, during which he will be cycling non-stop. He will be joined again by Adam, Katka and Zdeněk, our fighters on special bikes.

Together, they will embark on a journey through three states, which will be crowned with a sports and social weekend in Bukovany near Kyjov. In addition, we will bring you the entire trip live on our social networks.

So don’t hesitate any longer and support our challenge with your exercise. Can you also organize a local activity in your area?

Use our new poster for this, which you can print or distribute digitally without restrictions.

Everyone of you can join 


Support this project even more and ask your friends to help Create campaign

Thank you all for your support and donation.

We will share with you our expedition trough Europe live, so stay with us and follow this page

Create project

Jen úžasní lidé s velkým srdcem dokážou úžasné věci. Hodně sil a štěstí na další projekty.

Ilona Kučerová
CZK 1,000

za Partičku a najeté km na Orlíku

Ondřej Patera
CZK 888

Skvělá práce všech, kdo se akce zúčastnili. Byli jsme moc rádi její součástí.
Děkujeme. krejcifamily

Ondřej Krejčí

všechny Vás Love a Tebe Součku NEJVÍC !!!

Tomáš Moudrý
CZK 1,000

Taky Tě loveme ty ušáku

Černí koně, z.s.

Ať to jezdí!

Tomáš Navrátil
CZK 10,000

Fandím akci Kolo pro Adama

CZK 1,000

At to těm děckám udělá radost a pomůže v rámci možností k pohybu.

Simona Dvořáková
CZK 200


Pavel Staněk
CZK 100

Ať to jezdí :)

CZK 100

Držím palce... :-)

Štefan Kostelný
CZK 1,000