Little Alfie came to us from his owner, because she couldn't take care of him due to long-term health problems. Please, will you become his hero and help provide him with everything he will need to start over? ❤
Alfie is a small puppy that has lots of energy and zest for life. ❤ Unfortunately, he suffers from skin problems on his ears, he has them very cracked and covered with scabs at the bottom. The fate isn't merciful even when it comes to such small puppies. 😢 We took him to a vet so that the vet could examine him and figure out what troubles the little one and most importantly how can we help him and now we're impatiently waiting for the results. 🥺 If you want to join in helping Alfie and support him, please send him a donation to help provide him with all the needed care (examination, treatment, food etc.). Thank you very much. 🙏❤
Donations exceeding the expenses of taking care of particular animal will be used to get help to animals in need, in accordance with the announced collection.
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Ať se Alfiemu ouška brzy zahojí!
Anna Šejnohová
CZK 500
Přeji hodně štěstí a děkuji vám za to, co děláte pro zvířátka :)
Ať se Alfiemu ouška brzy zahojí!
Přeji hodně štěstí a děkuji vám za to, co děláte pro zvířátka :)
Přejeme brzké uzdravení ❤️