Tiredness, sadness, as if his zest for life disappeared... That was the first indication that something's wrong. So, we took Kristoff to a vet where the vet confirmed what we'd feared – Kristoff is ill. 😢 Please, will you help him cover the cost of his treatment? 🙏
Little Kristoff has bad luck. It had looked like he could spend Christmas with his new family, when he got ill out of the blue...😢
It started with tiredness, as if his zest for life disappeared, he didn't want to eat, didn't want to play. We didn't hesitate and took him to a vet to have him examined. He has inflamed eye and his blood values are worsened, so it seems that there's a bad inflammation in his body. 😔
He therefore got medicine and infusions that made him feel better for a while, but he's still not well. 🙏
Please, help return Kristoff his zest for life and donate for his treatment by sending any amount. Donations exceeding the expenses of taking care of particular animal will be used to get help to animals in need, in accordance with the announced collection.
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Kristoffek už má za sebou zhruba dvě třetiny plánované léčby a za pár týdnů by ho proto měly čekat kontrolní testy krve. Jak se blížíme ke konci, jsme čím dál napjatější. Prcek už se pomalu začíná chovat jako by mu nic nebylo, ale nemoci umí být pěkně zrádné, a tak nechceme nic zakřiknout a raději dál doufáme, aby to všechno dobře dopadlo. 🙏
S nastávajícím vyšetřením nás bohužel čekají také další veterinární náklady, se kterými bychom opravdu moc potřebovali vaši pomoc. 🙏 Jakýmkoliv příspěvkem Kristoffkovi moc pomůžete, ať už to bude 50 Kč nebo třeba 1 000 Kč. 🙏
It seems that the medicine is working! Kristoff feels better! 😻 His energy and appettite returned, so he's constantly running like a torpedo and demands playtime and treats from his foster auntie. It's an incredible change. 🥰
Anyway, the treatment continues, Kristoff should go for a checkup at the vet this week. 💉
Kristoff still doesn't feel well and instead of enjoying Christmas time, he was visiting the vet virtually every day when it was possible... 😔 The vet prescribed a treatment for him, but it seems his healing will take a lot of time. We hope very much that the little tomcat will make it. 🙏 We're fighting any way we can...
Please, help us provide Kristoff with veterinary care he needs. Any and every donation will truly help him very much. 🙏
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pro Kristoffka
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