Šebestová has been suffering with diarrhea for several weeks, she's weak and she isn't gaining much weight. We've tried everything, but there hasn't been huge improvement yet. We're not giving up and we're still fighting. Please, will you send Šebestová a donation for her treatment? 🙏
While Mach and Pažout are little rascals and will start looking for their new homes soon, the condition of little Šebestová worries us. 😢
She's been suffering with diarrhea for a long time and although we've visited a vet with her several times and we've tried everything possible, it's not getting better. On top of that, she's tiny in comparison to her siblings, she's not gaining much weight and you can see that she doesn't feel much well. 😔 She had her last antibiotics recently, so we're waiting and about two weeks from now, we will send a sample of her stool to a laboratory to have it examined. That will hopefully help us find out what's going on. 🙏
The cost of taking care of little Šebestová, including the planned tests, is about CZK 7 000 Kč, please, will you help her cover the cost and so help her get well? 🙏 Donations exceeding the expenses of taking care of particular animal will be used to get help to animals in need, in accordance with the announced collection.
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Držím palce a hodně štěstí !!
Jan Ostrý
At se dari
Paal K.
Drž se, zlatíčko!
Martina Tanečková
Maličká Šebestová 💕 bojuj a nikdy to nevzdávej! !!! Držíme Ti pacičky 😻 Kiki a spol.
Lenka Haváčková
CZK 200
Přeji brzké uzdravení a hodně štěstí 🍀🍀🍀
Valenová Ivana
CZK 250
To by bylo, abych své "příjmenovkyni" nepřispěla :-)
Držím palce a hodně štěstí !!
At se dari
Drž se, zlatíčko!
Maličká Šebestová 💕 bojuj a nikdy to nevzdávej! !!! Držíme Ti pacičky 😻 Kiki a spol.
Přeji brzké uzdravení a hodně štěstí 🍀🍀🍀
To by bylo, abych své "příjmenovkyni" nepřispěla :-)
Držíme tlapičky!
Brzke uzdraveni, Berusko:*