ADRA, o.p.s.

Humanitarian Aid Help for Ukraine

SOS ADRA: Help people in Ukraine

We are helping people affected by the war in Ukraine. We monitor current events and, in cooperation with ADRA Ukraine and other ADRA offices, we help meet the basic needs of displaced and evacuated people. Would you like to get involved? A financial donation is currently the most effective form of assistance, as the situation and the needs of affected citizens change every moment. Your donations are and will be used to directly help people affected by the conflict. Donations will be used for humanitarian assistance of the affected communities. Thank you for helping with us!

SOS ADRA: Help Ukraine

Your help is still needed. The end of the conflict in Ukraine is not in sight, and the number of people in need continues to grow. Thank you for your support.
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We know what a war looks like. We have witnessed a few up until this day. We also know how drastically it affects lives of ordinary people - women, children, elderly.

Here we are again, ready to get involved again and help the Ukrainian citizens affected by the conflict of war.

We are in touch with ADRA Ukraine and follow the needs of internally displaced and evacuated people. Both in Ukraine and in the countries where Ukrainians seek refuge.

Your donations are the most efficient way to help at the moment.

Thank you for helping people in need with us.


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Myslíme na Vás , hodně sil

Miroslava Mánková

Každý má právo určit kam budou směřovat, snad to bude s co nejmenšími ztrátami na životech. L+S

CZK 5,000

Stojím za Ukrajinou ❤

Michaela Žáková
CZK 2,000

když se na to budeme jen dívat, tak za chvíli máme Rusa v kuchyni

Rostislav Sýkorová
CZK 2,000

S manželem myslíme na všechny naše sestry a bratry z Ukrajiny. Je nám strašně líto, že naše "západní" civilizace nepomáhá tak, jak by mohla - měli by vyslat armádu (EU, NATO). Zatím to vypadá, že v tom opravdu Ukrajina zůstane sama. Historie se stále dokola opakuje ...

Lenka Vosátková

At zije Ukrajina.

Karel Svobodnik
CZK 1,000

Za svobodu Ukrajiny!

Maroš Varga
CZK 10,000

Moc mě to mrzí co se děje. Myslím na lidi z Ukrajiny každý den.
Dušan May

Dušan May
CZK 2,000

Hodně sil!

CZK 20,000

Přejeme Ukrajině co nejméně bolesti a strádání.

Roman a Marcela Cachovi
CZK 10,000