We know what a war looks like. We have witnessed a few up until this day. We also know how drastically it affects lives of ordinary people - women, children, elderly.
Here we are again, ready to get involved again and help the Ukrainian citizens affected by the conflict of war.
We are in touch with ADRA Ukraine and follow the needs of internally displaced and evacuated people. Both in Ukraine and in the countries where Ukrainians seek refuge.
Your donations are the most efficient way to help at the moment.
Thank you for helping people in need with us.
Here we are again, ready to get involved again and help the Ukrainian citizens affected by the conflict of war.
We are in touch with ADRA Ukraine and follow the needs of internally displaced and evacuated people. Both in Ukraine and in the countries where Ukrainians seek refuge.
Your donations are the most efficient way to help at the moment.
Thank you for helping people in need with us.
Díky, že pomáháte
We shall never surrender
Přeji všem zaměstnancům ADRA krásné a spokojené Vánoční svátky :-)
Nikdo si nesmí myslet, že si může vzít cokoliv, co chce. Svobodu nám můžou vzít jedině násilím. Touha po ní je však silnější než všechny zbraně na světě. A proto také pravda a láska zvítězí. ♥️
We are people working together for company XITEE in Prague with the goal to help people via your organization! Thank you!
Za Hannku!
Držte se :-)
Pravda a láska musí zvítězit nad lží a nenávistí
2. Královská 6:8-23 kéž bychom takhle válčili, jako křesťané... Kéž by se to utrpení už zastavilo.