ADRA, o.p.s.

Humanitarian Aid Help for Ukraine

SOS ADRA: Help people in Ukraine

We are helping people affected by the war in Ukraine. We monitor current events and, in cooperation with ADRA Ukraine and other ADRA offices, we help meet the basic needs of displaced and evacuated people. Would you like to get involved? A financial donation is currently the most effective form of assistance, as the situation and the needs of affected citizens change every moment. Your donations are and will be used to directly help people affected by the conflict. Donations will be used for humanitarian assistance of the affected communities. Thank you for helping with us!

SOS ADRA: Help Ukraine

Your help is still needed. The end of the conflict in Ukraine is not in sight, and the number of people in need continues to grow. Thank you for your support.
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We know what a war looks like. We have witnessed a few up until this day. We also know how drastically it affects lives of ordinary people - women, children, elderly.

Here we are again, ready to get involved again and help the Ukrainian citizens affected by the conflict of war.

We are in touch with ADRA Ukraine and follow the needs of internally displaced and evacuated people. Both in Ukraine and in the countries where Ukrainians seek refuge.

Your donations are the most efficient way to help at the moment.

Thank you for helping people in need with us.


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We are people working together for company XITEE in Prague with the goal to help people via your organization! Thank you!

Rainer Schumacher

Za Hannku!

Michaela Režová
CZK 2,000

Držte se :-)

CZK 1,000

Pravda a láska musí zvítězit nad lží a nenávistí

Ondřej Rybár
CZK 200

2. Královská 6:8-23 kéž bychom takhle válčili, jako křesťané... Kéž by se to utrpení už zastavilo.

Jozef Zlámal
CZK 1,000

Děkuji vám za vaši pomoc

Jana Tomková
CZK 500


Roman Frolka

Vážíme si také odhodlanosti vás - dárců, kterým není lhostejný osud lidí na Ukrajině. Děkujeme za dlouhodobou společnou pomoc! 💛💙

ADRA, o.p.s.

Přála bych si , aby ta válka už skončila. Odnášejí to nevinné děti a lidé co by chtěli žít v klidu. Všem držím palečky. A doufám ve vítězství Ukrajiny.

Ivana Machotková
CZK 1,000

Україна – гордий борець за свободу.

Jan Voda
CZK 2,000

Je to nesmírná lidská tragedie a v naší blízkosti. Musíme pomáhat...

Jiří Drázský
CZK 400