Pet Heroes z.s.


Bailey has to undergo a surgery

A few days ago, Bailey stopped using her right hind leg out of the blue. At the vet, Bailey underwent an X-ray investigation which unfortunately didn't show what could be the cause of it. But it's necessary to remove screws after the previous surgery and so the current problem with her hind leg could hopefully disappear with it as well. We estimate the cost of the surgery and hospitalization of Bailey to be CZK 10 000, please, will you help her cover the cost and give Bailey a chance for long walks again?

we started on 2021-10-06

supported by

32 people
This campaign is already closed. Thank you!
A few days ago, Bailey stopped using her right hind leg out of the blue. We didn't wait for anything and took her to a vet.
At the vet, Bailey underwent an X-ray investigation which unfortunately didn't show what could be the cause of it. However, she still has screws in place after a surgery of her broken pelvis (after which everything fused together nicely) and the screws need to be removed already and so we hope the current problem with her hind leg could hopefully disappear with it as well.

We estimate the cost of the surgery and hospitalization of Bailey to be CZK 10 000, please, will you help her cover the cost and give Bailey a chance for long walks again?

Thank you to everyone who donates to Bailey.
Support this project even more and ask your friends to help Create campaign

Be strong Bailey and walk again

Mike Foreman

Bailey sends greetings and many thanks. <3

Pet Heroes z.s.

Přeji úspěšné uzdravení

Miroslava Kopecká
CZK 1,000

Bailey moc zdraví a děkuje. <3

Pet Heroes z.s.

Držím palce, ať všechno dobře dopadne! <3

Veronika Bímová

Bailey moc děkuje. <3

Pet Heroes z.s.

Bailey, moc moc ti přejeme ať jsi zdravá a šťastná ❤️🐕😘

Petra Bolechova

Bailey moc děkuje. <3

Pet Heroes z.s.

Posílám pusu na čumák!

CZK 300

Bailey moc děkuje, pusa prý byla sladká. :D

Pet Heroes z.s.