Diecézní charita Brno

Děti, mládež, rodina

7 people, 7 months, 7.000 km from Brno to Pittsburgh

THEY DID IT! Seven of our brave colleagues conquered the distance from our SSC in Brno, all the way to Pittsburgh, home to our PPG headquesrters. They had 7 months to walk, run, bike or roller skate the distance together (safely, and in their own neighbourhoods) in support of our Charity Partner Domov sv. Markéty. This is you last chance to support them!

vybíráme od 12.4.2021
14 600 Kč


29 lidí
Sbírka je již uzavřena. Děkujeme!
Seven of our amazing colleagues, Sarka Kubickova, Katka Petrova, Marek Havlacka, Marek Smital, Ondra Richter, Ondra Valerian and Zbynek Trnka, came together to conquer the distance between Brno and Pittsburgh (roughly 7.000 km) in 7 months, starting in April 1 . Support them by clicking on „Darovat“ and help them raise money for our Charity Partner, Domov sv. Markety. 
Within the last 7 months they managed to reach 9,433 km! And don´t forget that for biking, rollerscating, or other sports activity that required some equipment, only 1/3 of the distance was counted to be fair to runners, walkers and swimmers. 
What can I do to help? How to donate?

Sponsor the team’s efforts by clicking on „Darovat“ and help them raise money for our Charity Partner, Domov sv. Markety. You can add a message of encouragement by clicking „Uložit vzkaz“ and pasting your message.

PPG will match your donations 2:1 – for each 1 CZK you donate, PPG will send additional 2 CZK! Additionally, PPG will award their ‘volunteering hours’ with an extra volunteer bonus for our Charity Partner.

Our Charity Partner program gives us an opportunity to financially support our selected organization. Asylum house Domov svaté Markéty has been our official Charity Partner since 2020. The organization supports single mothers and families in need. Thank you for supporting our partner even during a pandemic. Together, we make it happen. 

Thank you for your kindness.

Your CSR Team & Domov sv. Markety
Podpořte tento projekt ještě víc a zapojte kamarády Založit dárcovskou výzvu

Great initiative and a great achievement! Well done all!

Petter Frisell
7 000 Kč

Good luck with this challenge!

David Cesteros

Run, ride, skate and have fun for the good deed!

Joanna Gano
100 Kč

You rock, keep going guys! :))

Lucia Holbikova
200 Kč

Dear and brave PPG sports team,
I like your idea how to help people in need, while doing your hobby.
Big respect!
Good luck and strong health.

Jiřina Horká
200 Kč

Good luck, guys, and never give up!

Petr Kolomazník
300 Kč

Great idea :) You can do it!

Iva Hrozková
200 Kč