We took in our care an ill kitten who can't coordinate her movements. There are several possible causes of her handicap, so it's necessary for her to undergo magnetic resonance that will help us find out more. Please, will you help her? 🙏
We took in our care a little "dancing" kitten. 🐱 The little princess can't coordinate her movements, we don't know why yet. There are several possible explanations with various seriousness, that's why we will schedule an appointment for magnetic resonance for her that will help us find out more. 🙏
The magnetic resonance will cost about 20 000 CZK, but the examination is crucial for us to know the condition of the kitten and if we can help her in any way. Please, will you help us provide the princess with the examination? 🙏
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When we took little Chroustík for the examination today, we were nervous, but also full of hope. But nothing went as we hoped for...
The examination showed that there's a fatal brain damage caused by a bad development. We thoroughly discussed all possibilities with the vet, but in the end we made a hard decision – to let little Chroustík go. Because she would only suffer in future life... 💔
We hoped very much that she might've been another dancing kitty, and that she would have a good life despite falling down from time to time as it was in the case of Marley, OJ and Duncan who didn't feel pain and were only unstable. But that wasn't the case... 🙁
We feel so sad and helpless about Chroustík's passing. 🙁 At the one hand, we're glad that we could give her a chance for an examination and we had hope, on the other hand, our hearts ache because there was no way to help her.
Thank you all for your support. And for being our support even when it comes to the less happy stories.
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Něco málo :)
Tomáš Valečko
CZK 500
Doufám, že se kočička uzdraví. V rodině ji držíme všechny palce a tlapky.
Něco málo :)
Doufám, že se kočička uzdraví. V rodině ji držíme všechny palce a tlapky.
Držím palce!!!
Přeju moc zdravíčka
Ať to pomůže a vyšetření dopadne příznivě. ;)
Ze srdíčka pro zvířátka ❤️ Simča a Terka
Brzké uzdravení kočičce
Hope everything will be fine for the little one.
Hodne stesti Chrousticko x
Držím palce, ať je kočička v pořádku. :)