Nadační fond pro výzkum psychedelik

Education and Research Health


Psychedelics are a key tool for the study of mental processes and their neurobiology, including pathological conditions and psychosis. One out of every four people suffer from mental illness, with one third not responding to current treatment and approaches. Over one thousand clinical studies have already demonstrated the positive effect of psychedelics for the treatment of various mental health illnesses. Psychedelics offer hope for many patients in this world. As an Endowment Fund, we are seeking for funding to support clinical research on psychedelics in the Czech republic that could contribute to understanding the potential of these substances for mental health.

we started on 2020-12-17

Would you like to support the scientific research of new therapeutic approaches in the field of mental health?

Join us in the support of psychedelic research for use in psychiatry (and more). Participate in the support of advancement of science!

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132 people
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In the short term psychedelics dramatically affect human perception, experience, thinking and behavior. Thanks to the use of modern imaging methods we can now directly study the processes that take place in our brain at several different levels. Psychedelics help us understand the causes and point to the new revolutionary possibilities for the treatment of mental health disorders.

How will your contribution be used?
We currently support:
  • Research of the potential of psilocybin and ketamine in the treatment of depression
  • Research of the potential of the psychoactive drink Ayahuasca used in a traditional setting
  • Support for legislative changes to allow access to treatment procedures that utilize psychedelics


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Na boj s depresí



CZK 222

Děkuji za Vaši práci

Jirka Ševčík
CZK 333

Nechť láska vyléčí ty jenž to potřebují 💝

Tomáš Thun
CZK 222

Nemám moc peněz, tak daruji alespoň těchto pár kaček. Moc fandím a děkuji za snahu a práci.

Jakub Gawryš
CZK 70

Díky za vaši práci.

Vendula Richtrová
CZK 200

Skvělá práce, jen tak dál!

Štěpán Jurčík
CZK 500

Děkujeme ❤️

Veronika Wenclova
CZK 1,111

Základem veškerého vědění je experiment

Jan Macháč
CZK 1,111

Drzim palce, at se co nejdrive umozni pomahani trpejicim lidem psychedeliky
