Plant-for-the-Planet Czech Republic Nadace

Development Aid Environment

Tree to the World, Time for Czechia #GivingTuesday with Plant-for-the-Planet

Have an impact on solving the climate crisis and the poverty crisis. Choose one of the top 6 reforestation projects of the tropics, where forests rapidly and effectively absorb carbon and thus give us time to cut down our emissions. Support the empowerment of children & youth with Plant-for-the-Planet.

we started on 2020-10-30

Plant a tree in one of the top 6 reforestation projects and give the world time to solve the climate.

Each tree helps the developing countries face climate crisis impacts and poverty. Each donation gives Czechia & the world the time to cut down our emissions. Each donation helps empower children and youth in Czechia. Your preferred country can be selected after choosing the amount of trees.
raised 35 % out of  €3,982

supported by

89 people
This campaign is already closed. Thank you!

Support this project even more and ask your friends to help Create campaign

Moc Vám děkuji za práci, kterou děláte pro budoucnost nás všech!

Petr Pehal
CZK 500

Děkuji, že stojíte za tak skvělým projektem a pomáhate! :-)

Nikola Kašubová
CZK 100


Monika Špačková
CZK 30

Ať se vaší skvělé organizaci daří zachovat a zlepšit svět pro naše děti...



CZK 60


Martina Fejklová
CZK 1,000


Vít Zbornik
CZK 500

Fandím vaší organizaci!


Děkuju za skvělej projekt! <3

Valentýna Sturzová


Hynek Roubík
CZK 500