Azylová farma Jarikhanda, z.s.


Sick body needs a healer, sick soul needs a friend

Our sanctuary is a home to almost ninety animals in need. Many of them come to us with wounds on their bodies and souls. Thanks to you we can help them heal both.

we started on 2020-04-20

Sick body needs a healer, sick soul needs a friend

raised 94 % out of  €1,187

supported by

25 people
This campaign is already closed. Thank you!
In our sanctuary, we have a lots of experince with healing souls, big and small. Many of our residents came with broken heart and for some of them it was the first time they felt what love and warm human hug is. 

To heal a body is much easier in a lot of aspects. Broken heart does not heal as fast as broken bones. Even though we have several vets who will do anything to help them, it's not for free.

Since beginning of this year we had to settle several urgent situations. Pigeons Luciáš and Fredy, budgies, kittens, Navara and turkeys, sheep Mohini and hens Garudas and hedgehog Borat.

With your help our residents can get the best possible care we can find.
Thank you.

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Přeji mnoho štěstí ❤️

Klára Kadlecová
CZK 100

Děkuji Vám.

Václav Mráz
CZK 1,000

pro zvířátka v nouzi

Lidia Panova
CZK 500

Thanks for your efforts!

Mt. Mannimoore