Místní místním, z.ú.

COVID - 19 Socially Disadvantaged Groups

Meal for people without home at COVID-19 crisis

At the times of an epiedemy crisis, people without home are at risk more than ever. They lack the possibility of home quarantine or sufficient preventive protection. Help us to get them quality nutritious meals so that they can stay safe. You can support the health of people in need and your favorite café at the same time with a small gesture! If you've ever thought about supporting homeless people, now is the time.

we started on 2020-03-23

Let´s support the safety of those in need in the times of crisis

Together with Prague small businesses, we will buy, cook and deliver quality breakfast, lunch or dinner for those living in Naděje homeless shelters. That is, if you help us. Let´s improve the well-being, health and sence of safety of people in need. Let´s suport the local businesses of our city.
raised 66 % out of  €6,894

supported by

159 people
This campaign is already closed. Thank you!
Isnt´t it right now, in the times of crisis, that we should find solidarity with people in need?
Thanks to this campaign, we will be able to provide 146 people with quality breakfast, lunch or dinner. This is especially important now that the government announced restrictions on leaving the house. Should the coronavirus disease spread among the social service facilities, the shortage of social workers would get things worse. As a society, we can help the occupants of the shelters for homeless people to stay safe as much as possible. That way, we can protect their health and improve their sence of acceptance, well-being and safety.

Your contribution will also support Prague cafés and bistros that have decided to cook for people in the shelters. That will help those local businesses to get through the following weeks, as many of them have no income in this difficult situation.

In cooperation with local businesses, we will provide the clients of the NGO Naděje with quality food. Naděje is the biggest social service provider in Prague. For ca. 17.000 CZK, we can provide all occupants of the following reception centres with breakfast/lunch/dinner.
Žižkov shelter for homeless men - 50 people
Vršovice shelter for homeless women - 40 people
Záběhlice shelter for the elderly homeless - 30 people
Radotín shelter for homeless men - 25 people

Local businesses that can – thanks to your contribution – cook for people without home:

Despite their own difficult situation, they have decided to help people in need. Using the money raised in this campaign, they will be able to cook meals for people living in the shelters for homeless people. By supporting their work, you will also support those in need. With just one contribution.
* Kavárna Pražírna - Prague 2
* Bistro Střecha - Prague 3
* Potrvá - Prague 6
* Family Coffee & bistro - Prague 8
This campaign is being managed by the NGO Místní místním (*2019) who strives to open a discussion and connects our society in solidarity with people without home. We connect small businesses, professional providers of social services and the public in offering direct help towards people in need.

Support this project even more and ask your friends to help Create campaign

We have been cooking for people in need since the end of March. Since then we have provided the occupants of the NGO Naděje with quality food from the local businesses of Prague.

* It has been the 5th week of action for us now.
* Together with the 4 local cafes and bistros of Prague we are delivering each week between 250-330 portions for people without home. What we deliver is czech typical meals like goulash with homemade dumplings, or others like lentil dhal with rice, gnocchi alla bolognese, quality soups, homemade strudel, bread, local farm bread or a dessert as a bonus.
* We will have delivered 1397 portions of meal by the end of this week. 
Why? To ensure that the people in need in our city have covered the basic needs during the epidemy crisis. To help them in the times when many of them have lost their jobs, incomes and contact with people that usually help. To motivate them stay safe in the facilities of the shelters for people without home and support their health. To support them physically and ensure they do not have to worry where to find enogh food for the next days.
What next? Our goal was to keep cooking for at least 4 weeks during the most strict emergency measures. Now we want to continue as long as it will be needed for the target group of people without home! The goal amount of €6,400 would enable us to cook until the end of May! And distribute more than 2.500 meals for those in need and without home around us. We are grateful for each of your contrubution, thanks to you we want to help as long as possible! Thank you!

Vaříme již od konce března: obyvatelům azylových domů Naděje jsme dovezli od lokálních podniků:
  • za 1. týden: celkem 266 porcí guláše, rýže a dhalu, polévek, domácích závinů, jogurtů, chlebů a knedlíků.
  • za 2. týden: již dnes jsme rozvezli první z dalších 264 porcí obědů pro tento týden.
Co dále? Naším cílem je vařit celkem alespoň 4 týdny, v době striktních nouzových opatření. Cílová částka 174.000.- vystačí na 6 týdnů vaření (do 11.5.) a na více než 1400 porcí pro lidi v nouzi a bez domova. Vaše příspěvky nám pomohou poskytovat podporu co nejdéle! Děkujeme!
Zpětná vazba? Minulý týden od vedoucího azylového domu Naděje v Záběhlicích: "Strašně si pochutnali. Po štrúdlech se jen zaprášilo a guláš nám tři klienti nezávisle na sobě přišli zdůraznit, že to je nejlepší, co jedli."

Mockrát děkujeme za Vaše příspěvky, dary přímo na náš účet, i za motivující komentáře zde v naší výzvě! To vše nám opravdu pomáhá pomáhat!
Všechny další novinky můžete sledovat na
našem FB profilu.

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Thanks for the opportunity to help


Moc vam fandim a vazim si vasi prace👍

Sarka Brochierova
CZK 1,000

Protože mohu

Walter Mitty
CZK 1,000


Jana Hanfová
CZK 300

Děkuji, že to děláte.

Linda Malenovská

Děkujeme, že se staráte. Jste skvělí! Petr a Veronika

Veronika Dvořáková
CZK 500

Děkujeme za Vaši práci.

Kateřina Lesch

Milí lidé v těžké situaci, máme vás rádi! Bůh Vám žehnej

CZK 1,000

Během karantény jsem už ušetřil spoustu peněz za útratu v restauracích a kavárnách;-)

CZK 2,000

Ať je nám všem líp!

Jana Lamačová
CZK 300