Mezinárodní vězeňské společenství

Children, Youth and Family Socially Disadvantaged Groups

Angel Camp 2020

Angel Camp is a summer camp for 65 children whose mums or dads are in prison. We want for those kids to experience a week in a safe environment together with our team of professionals. We want for them to spend time with friends and volunteers who understand them and who don't judge them.

we started on 2020-03-06

Help kids of prisoners experience holiday for a week!

raised 78 % out of  €5,021

supported by

85 people
This campaign is already closed. Thank you!
Klárka's and Honzík's dad is in prison. They didn't do anything bad themselves, yet they are being punished. Their mum has 2 jobs, she's paying off her husband's debts, she can't afford a summer camp for her kids and so they spend holidays in an apartment at a panel housing development.

Angel Camp is a place where children of prisoners can be children again. They can do sports, have fun, play games and share their worries in a safe environment where nobody judges them or laughs at them because of their imprisoned parent.

Help us give them a week full of experiences together with hope that they're not forgotten!

The cost of 1 week of camp for 1 kid is 4.200CZK.
The total cost for 65 kids is 273.000CZK.

Let's give together a summer camp to at least 30 kids!


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Andělský kemp je úspěšně za námi a my tímto velice děkujeme všem ochotným dárcům, kteří svým příspěvkem umožnili jeho uskutečnění!!

Andělský kemp právě probíhá.. již brzy budeme na našem webu i sociálních sítích sdílet fotky z kempu. :)

Nejen přes portál se nám podařilo vybrat dostatečné množství financí, aby se letošní ročník Andělského kempu mohl uskutečnit. Všem ochotným dárcům tímto velice děkujeme!!!

Seventeen kids can already come to the Angel camp with us. A big thank you to all the donors!!

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