We aim to:
- create opportunities and social ties between people in need and their surroundings
- destigmatize homelessness
- break stereotypes and barriers towards people without homes and in need
- create solidarity and a more socially friendly neighborhood.
Why social friendliness?
Over 270,000 people in the Czech Republic were homeless or in housing emergency already in 2022, while thousands of others found themselves in hidden homelessness, living in shelters, hostels etc. Their needs are usually addressed on an institutional basis only, which contributes to feelings of social exclusion and loneliness. People who would gladly offer their help unfortunately often lack the necessary platform and the know-how. With the impact of the pandemic and the economic crisis, the number of people in need and people without homes is increasing. Housing is becoming increasingly unaffordable.
With Místní místním (Locals for Locals), we see the need for more contact between people in need and the people without homes and their immediate surroundings, as well as the need to have concrete tools to help people in their neighbourhood.
For the first time ever, Prague has a network in place that connects shopkeepers, cafés,, the public and professional social services in direct assistance to people in need. The Solidarity network offers free small services: water, toilet etc. The public can purchase vouchers to support people in need, such vouchers will offer coffee, food, event access and more to, whilst simultaneously supporting the shopkeeper. Information about the solidarity places and services offered is distributed to people in need by official social service providers – our partners in this effort.
- We are connecting solidarity cafes, bistros/restaurants, second-hand stores, cultural/community centres, theathre and bookstore – across already 11 districts of Prague. We can see that people around want to help! And we give them the opportunity, the tools and the support to do so.
- We cooperate with most of the main providers of social services in Prague for people in need and without people homes.
- We are a member of The Chime, an international platform of similar projects around the world who we share good praxis with, we help each other develop and we support the same idea: to empower people who happen to be on the margins of our society.
- We believe that the impacts of our work are:
1. Creating opportunities for different social groups to meet
2. Strengthening social ties within neighbourhoods and communities
3. Bringing society together in solidarity
4. Reducing social exclusion
We build on these values:
- Inclusion
- Respect
- Open communication
- Sustainable support
In the future, we want to create a dense and locally accessible safety net within the Solidary Network, with a wide variety of services and types of vouchers offered, in all parts of Prague, so that anyone who is homeless or in need knows where to find small help in their neighbourhood. We are working to create a good practice methodology for other cities in the Czech Republic that would like to take up the idea of the Solidarity Network and implement it.
It's not just a small service, but an opportunity to make contacts and social connections, and the feeling of beeing accepted. We strive to make the support of the Solidarity Network low-threshold, inclusive, respectful and sustainable.
As one of the few non-profit organizations, we are not a social service provider. We cooperate with the City of Prague, but otherwise we provide our own funding, mostly through grants, giving presentations or merchandising. Our regular donors are a huge help. They enable us to continue our work. We are extremely grateful for them.
You can also help us in our work. With every donation, you help us create a neighborhood that is good for everyone to live in.
You can also help us in our work. With every donation, you help us create a neighborhood that is good for everyone to live in.
Držím palce
Díky za Vaši práci a nasazení. Pomáháte celé naší společnosti. 💕
Děkuji, že děláte tento skvělý projekt :)
Thanks for the info from Prague Unitarians
🫶🌞Iove ju místňáci
Hi Ester! All the best! Blessings!
Thank you Barbara Woodard and IWAP charity for informing us about this group.
Ron Ayers and Susan Loy