Rotary Club Prague International

Humanitarian Aid Socially Disadvantaged Groups

Sananim Gala 2019

Donation event to support Sananim, an organization for the rehabilitation of drug and other non-alcohol addicts so that they can return to normal life. Sananim Gala fundraising dinner supported by Rotary Club Prague International will take place on 19 October. Please attend the dinner or support the project with a cash donation.

we started on 2019-10-08
raised 53 % out of  €3,941

supported by

23 people
This campaign is already closed. Thank you!

Donate Now or Provide An Item For the SANANIM Gala Auction

SANANIM is the country’s largest and most successful organisation for the rehabilitation of drugs and other non-alcohol addiction, with a 50 - 85% success rate for people accepted into the programs.

Starting with their 25th year anniversary, Rotary Club Prague International (RCPI) has been honored to host the SANANIM Gala, raising a minimum of 250,000 CZK/year for its socially responsible business and team sports activities. While it is truly rewarding for everyone at SANANIM and Rotary, it's not enough!

Due to the government's recent resolutions affecting financial support of NGOs, SANANIM has lost a large portion of their funding, while at the same time having to further justify and fight through red tape for what funding remains. In fact, SANANIM’s hugely successful Harm Reduction Program has been cut by a further 40%! To make matters worse, SANANIM recently lost their major funding partner as part of a reorganization. 

You can help by reaching out to your friends, family, co-workers, places you eat, and places you shop; asking to donate services, event/sports tickets, vouchers, gift baskets, electronics, anything that can be auctioned at the SANANIM Gala. No donation or gift is too small, as we often bundle several donations together to make a gift basket special events, nights out or restaurant/hotel and spa getaways. Every little bit helps!

You can also make a direct donation to RCPI in name of SANANIM in support of their harm reduction and sports programs, aimed to help clients adopt new lives without drugs and protect society from the devastating impacts of drugs. (Please check with your employer to see if they have a matching donation program). 

We have again secured a “Matching Challenge Grant” of 50,000 czk.  Hopefully we can find corporations and individuals who will make a donation to help us secure the full 50,000 czk Matching Grant.
Support this project even more and ask your friends to help Create campaign

Good luck! Stepan Maly, RC Praha

Stepan Maly
CZK 1,000