Centrum LOCIKA, z.ú.

Children, Youth and Family Human Rights


Do you agree that shared concern equals half worry? Collaboration, support, a sense of acceptance – all that usually lacks in families affected by domestic violence. Children who grow up in such families are not to be entrusted to anyone, they are often ashamed to talk to their peers, and feel alone in their problems. That is why LOCIKA is not only a place for therapy, but also for sharing and creating new friendships.

we started on 2019-03-26


Contribute to our group therapy to help children GROW UP in safe environment. Because TO NOT BE ALONE HELPS.
raised 75 % out of  €1,189

supported by

14 people
This campaign is already closed. Thank you!
Marie (10 years old) sits in a classroom outside the group, she is silent, avoids common activities and does not understand her peers. While her classmates chat about new clothes and where they are going on holiday this summer, she struggles with repeated conflicts between her parents. Marie is not looking forward to the holidays. She is afraid to spend more time at home, where she does not feel well. But she cannot tell anyone about it. And so she remains alone in her world and is ashamed about her family situation.
Marie can only talk about her struggle at a group meeting at LOCIKA, where she finds out she is not ALONE. After a long time, she finally feels accepted, not ashamed to talk to her peers. Marie can openly talk about her feelings and finds answers.

“Now I know I am not the only one who struggles in the same way. It’s fun and I have friends here,” says Marie.
Contribute to our group therapy to help children GROW  UP in safe environment.

30,000 CZK will provide 85 hours of group therapy for one child like Marie.


Why is group therapy important?
Group therapy helps children grow up into a stronger person who can build and maintain relationships. Children can see how the couple of therapists, one male and one female, work and lead the group. Through their relationship and cooperation children can see a role model of good communication that they don’t know from their parents.
 Does this special form of therapy make sense to you? Do you want to be a part of the early help for children like Marie?
Send your support and CONTRIBUTE REGULARLY.
Thank you for helping us help others.

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Velice děkujeme všem dárcům za podporu dětí a skupinové terapie v Centru LOCIKA.

Je skvělé vědět, že jste s námi, moc si toho vážíme.

Zbývá posledních pár hodin do konce výzvy. Máme radost z podpory všech dárců. Moc vám děkujeme.

Společně můžeme pomoci dětem vyrůstat v bezpečném prostředí.

Pokud podporu zvažujete a chcete ještě přispět, honem honem, zachvilku končíme.

Do konce kampaně nám zbývá 13 dní. Dostali jsme RUDOLFA pro štěstí, moc děkujeme. Má stejně velké srdce jako naši dárci. Pojďte do toho s námi, má to smysl!

Vzpomínáte si, když Vám bylo 10 let a jak důležité pro Vás bylo patřit do party a zažívat s ní různá dobrodružství? Takovou partu má díky Centru LOCIKA a dárcům jako jste Vy, i desetiletá Marie.

LOCIKA je místem nejen pro terapii, ale i pro sdílení a vznik nových přátelství, proto chceme nabídnout skupinová setkání i dalším dětem, které se často cítí samy.
Svým darem zprostředkujte dětem dobrý pocit, že ve svém příběhu nejsou osamocené. DĚKUJEME všem štědrým dárcům. 

Because TO NOT BE ALONE HELPS. Thank you for helping us help others.

Expires in 23 days. 

Please contribute to our group therapy to help children GROW UP in safe environment.

Create project

Díky za to, co děláte, přátelé :-)

Petr Holodňák
CZK 1,400

držíme pěsti ať se to podaří

Robert Bělohlávek
CZK 350