Nadační fond Pink Bubble

Children, Youth and Family Health

Join us & support young cancer fighters

A one-time donation or permanent contribution to the Pink Bubble Foundation

we started on 2019-01-14

Join us & support young cancer fighters

A one-time donation or permanent contribution to the Pink Bubble Foundation

supported by

191 people
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The Pink Bubble Foundation has set the target to support and help children, teenagers and young adults  with oncologic diseases across the Czech Republic during their medical treatment, convalescence and in their subsequent return to life.

We would be glad to see that young children, adolescents and young grownups could be sure that there is somebody to rely on, that there is a place to turn to if they need help or support during the difficult period of oncologic treatment. Adolescence as such is a strenuous period of life and a tumour disease means a huge additional burden for a young person - not only for the body but, more importantly, for the mind.   

Main areas of support:

Small activities and joys for the patients at the time of treatment and convalescence help to distract them and strengthen their hope and optimism.

Financial contributions for medical, rehabilitation and movement supporting assistive devices that facilitate the treatment and life after the treatment. 

The wishes our kids have are as diverse as the kids themselves. You can join us in making their dreams come true by supporting anything from electronic devices, travel, advanced studies or new cultural or social experiences.

Your help will be so appreciated. Thanks for your support!
More information at

Bank accoount for transfer money from abroad: 
IBAN CZ1303000000000449494944 / BIC (SWIFT): CEKOCZPP


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