Škola v ráji, z. s.

Children, Youth and Family Development Aid

Intensive English Course - Lombok - Tolot-Tolot

Intensive English Course is attended by children and young people from 7 to 17 years of age. The younger children are taught the basics and the older students are preparing for the national exam which is obligatory pre-requisite for admission to high school. Your contribution will be used for operation of the course and to cover school fees at high school for talented children from the families which could not affort to pay it.

we started on 2018-10-06
This campaign is already closed. Thank you!
Your donation supports the education of children and young people at remote agricultural village Tolot-Tolot on Lombok Island. The children participate on the course voluntarily and are eager to learn. The children from the course have immensely higher English language skills than those which not. This is rises our hope that they will have better future.

We teach English with use of the environmental topics.In this way, we are supporting the improvement of the poor trash situation on the island. We use your dotanion to pay high school or collage school fees fot talented children from the poorer families. Thank you for your donation, it is supporting better future of particular children at Lombok.
Support this project even more and ask your friends to help Create campaign

Enjoy studying :)

Jana Olivová
CZK 500