Nadační fond daruj vlasy

People with disabilities Health

Fundraising for Charity Fund Donate Hair

Charity Fund Donate Hair provides tailor made real hair wigs to patients suffering from partial or total hair loss resulting from a serious illness or treatment and therefore helps them to regain mental well being which is a key for a successful recovery.

we started on 2018-07-02

Fundraising for Charity Fund Donate Hair


supported by

189 people
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Charity Fund Donate Hair was established in order to support patients suffering from cancer treatment, alopecia or recovering from other traumatic events which led to partial or total hair loss. With regard to the high cost of the treatment itself it is unthinkable for many of those patients to spend money for a wig and therefore they have to carry on through the tough time of the treatment with a bald head covered by scarf and withstand the compassionate views of the people on the street. However, mental well-being is an extremely important factor for a successful recovery. Therefore the aim of Charity Fund Donate Hair is to provide those patients with a tailor made real hair wig.

More information about the activities of the Charity fund on website  (in Czech and Slovak only, however pretty well readable using Google Translate)
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Well done to Sarka for riding for this great cause!

Chris E