Mateřská škola a základní škola pro děti s kombinovaným postižením SMILING CROCODILE, o.p.s.

People with disabilities Development Aid

Support of hearing impaired children living in poverty internationally. Education, rehabilitation, transport to therapies (charity tuk-tuk), integration, equipment and building awareness.

SMILING CROCODILE is also active internationally. We have projects in Asia and Africa, where we support hearing impaired children and children with complex needs which live in poverty. Our aim is to support their education, rehabilitation, transport to therapies (charity tuk-tuk) and integration to mainstream society. We have supported more than 700 children. Your support will enable us to help more children in need. Many thanks for your kind support!

we started on 2018-05-14

supported by

25 people
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Saw you on Med-El’s Sound Sensation festival!

Mary Beth Napoli

Aby deti mohly poslouchat s rodici pisnicky, tak jako ja s Daneckem :).

Majlos Market a Danecek
CZK 500

Srdečně zdravím.

Martin Hutyra