ADRA is an international humanitarian organisation created by a network of offices all over the world. We deliver relief and development assistance to individuals in more than 100 countries — regardless of their ethnicity, political affiliation, gender, or religious association.
By partnering with local communities, organizations, and governments, we are able to deliver culturally relevant programs and build local capability for sustainable change.
With ADRA you always know your impact:
With ADRA you always know your impact:
Your Support Builds Healthy Communities
Health is at the heart of so much of the world’s poverty and suffering. When communities don’t have enough food, when they depend on unsafe water sources, when they don’t have access to reliable health support, every life suffers.
Finding sustainable ways to improve access to nutrition, clean water, and health resources can be the difference between life and death for the men, women, and children you help us serve around the world every day.
1 in 5 children worldwide are not in school.
Children with disabilities, children in crisis, and girls, face the most hurdles to gaining an education and suffer the sharpest consequences when they miss out. Education for all can help safeguard against violence, abuse, and exploitation, and even reduce vulnerability to natural disasters. Child or adult, a person with an education has an opportunity to a future that would not be possible without an education. A woman with an education has higher earning potential and healthier children, and the more education that a person gains, the more opportunities become available.
Help Break the Cycle of Poverty
10% of the world lives on less than $1.90 a day.
Some of the biggest tools to fight poverty come from the simplest solutions—training, loans, seeds, animals, and access to a marketplace. Helping people provide for themselves creates change that can be seen for generations. Women in particular experience the positive effects by being able to enter a marketplace previously closed to them and providing dependable income, self-reliance, and even safety, to them and their children.
You are an Emergency Responder
Your support means that urgent resources are ready, and often prepositioned, to reach areas in need as quickly as possible through ADRA’s global network and partners. Funds, materials, and personnel are coordinated through ADRA’s country offices nearest to the disaster so plans can be put into action immediately and appropriate relief supplies reach the areas hardest hit.
Dar na pomoc
Konečně se platba podařila. Muselo to být přes jiný prohlížeč. Milan
Nejsem si jistý, jestli zašlete políčko “Potřebuji potvrzení”. Potvrzení budu potřebovat pro daňové přiznání. Proto zadám o jeho doplnění.
Děkuji, že nám umožňujete účelně pomáhat a děláte vše pro to, aby realizace pomoci byla pro nás co nejjednodušší.
Moc na vás myslím a držím palce, ať to zvládnete🙏
Zasílám příspěvek na zemětřesení
Peníze vybrané studentskou organizací ESN VSB - TU Ostrava, od zahraničních studentů při vybírání malých příspěvků výměnou za kuchyňské potřeby darované studenty minulého semestru.
Přeji mnoho úspěchů v roce 2023
Děkujeme za milá slova, důvěru a nezištnou pomoc druhým. Přejeme vám vše dobré.