For over 25 years now, the C4C team has been lending a helping hand to children less fortunate than our own - so they can have a chance in life too. Will you help us to continue to help them? Even a little can go a long way!
See for yourself:
See for yourself:
- for just 250 Kc (10€) you can give the gift of knowledge and education to a socially challenged child -for a whole month! Read more here.
- for 600 Kc (25€) you'll sponsor one of our clowns to bring C4C's popular "Laughter Therapy" to a hospital near you - and bring smiles and laughter to children struggling with sickness and the "Hospital Blues". Read more here.
- send us a 1000 Kc (40€) and the sky's the limit: You will make it possible for a child with a social handicap to receive tutoring, coaching and vocational training to integrate into society and succeed in the job market - for a whole semester! Read more here.
You can help on a one-off or on a regular basis - your choice!
Thank you for your kind consideration. Let's make a difference together!
Markéta for the C4C Team
Markéta for the C4C Team
Palec nahoru za to co děláte ;-))
Dear Manfred and dear Charity. The piano community around my project Prochazka svetem klaviru at has been collecting money all December after purchasing the album of Czech Christmas Carols . We managed to collect 6500 CZK, that we now send to you as a New Year's present and wish you all the best for the new year and a thriving charity for all the children. With best regards, Eva Lorenc (Suchánková)
přijemna paní
In memory of Jaroslav Pekna on the 65th anniversary of his birth.
Díky Rafe za to co děláš
Moc hezké klaunovské představení trvající skoro hodinu. Dceři i mně to to udělalo opravdovou radost. Děkujeme.
Veselé vánoce a vše nejlepší v roce 2019.
Dekuji za navstevu me trilete dcery na JIP kladenské nemocnice. Moc ji to potěšilo a budu rád, kdyz me příspěvky pomohou udělat radost dalším dětem.
In memory of my wife Lenka Vitkova. She loved children.