Nadační Fond Chance 4 Children

Socially Disadvantaged Groups Health

Will you help us to help?

Chance 4 Children, or C4C for short, is a Non Governmental Organization and active since 1997 in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. C4C runs three initiatives that target the growth and well-being of hospitalized and socially challenged children: Dr. Clown, Robin Hood and Springboard to Life!

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For over 25 years now, the C4C team has been lending a helping hand to children less fortunate than our own - so they can have a chance in life too. Will you help us to continue to help them? Even a little can go a long way!

See for yourself:

  • for just 250 Kc (10€) you can give the gift of knowledge and education to  a socially challenged child -for a whole month! Read more here. 

  • for 600 Kc (25€) you'll sponsor one of our clowns to bring C4C's popular "Laughter Therapy" to a hospital near you - and bring smiles and laughter to children struggling with sickness and the "Hospital Blues". Read more here.

  • send us a 1000 Kc (40€) and the sky's the limit: You will make it possible for a child with a social handicap to receive tutoring, coaching and vocational training to integrate into society and succeed in the job market - for a whole semester! Read more here. 
You can help on a one-off or on a regular basis - your choice! 
Thank you for your kind consideration. Let's make a difference together!
Markéta for the C4C Team

Support this project even more and ask your friends to help Create campaign

Merry Christmas & happy New Year 2021!

Dec 20  Merry Christmas & happy New Year 2020!

Dec 16  Some photos from an English lesson at the Children's home Písek. Vlaďka, who leads the circle, has been working with C4C for many years. She is great, thank her very much for her efforts and approach to children!

04.12.  A pohled do nově vydané knihy:

01.12.  Milý Ježíšku, ....
kdo si píše o knížku Pohádky k dočmárání, teď je ten pravý čas, aby se k vám ještě dostala včas. 5.12. vychází a další dny balíme, odesíláme, České poště zatím věříme - ale ne zas tak moc, na poslední chvíli bych to nenechávala 🙂
Kladno má vyzvedávací místo Kulihrášek, tam není s dopravou problém.
A nezapomeňte i objednat na nebo přijít 15.12. v Kladně do kina Sokol na adventní trhy.
A kdybyste se chtěli povýšit na milé Ježíšky pro děti do nemocnice, můžete na tom webu výše objednat knížky i pro ně, které jim pošleme přes Dr.Klauny.
Cena je vždy 390 kč knížka a 100 poštovné (mimo Kladno). Knizky do nemocnic jsou samozrejme bez postovneho! 😉
Krásný advent přeji,

Nov 25  Co-founder of the Chance 4 Children Endowment Fund J Rafał Wojas received a check for CZK 11,200 from the company Jaroš & Partners Real Estate, which secured the finances for C4C by auctioning tickets for a sold out concert of Xindl X at Forum Karlín and doubled the amount collected. Thank you!!

Nov 16  Advent time for children's homes and not only .. :-)

Nov 12  Vienna House Easy supports Chance 4 Children and the project Doctor Clown 🤡. Clowns in hospitals help children to recover faster not only in the Pilsen Region. After all, smiles and laughter heal. Thank you!

Oct 28  Our Dr. clowns continue going to hospitals to make hospitalized children laugh. For example Sanpriya Vendy Tichotová:

Oct 10  Škoda Tukas & C4C: making a difference together:

Oct 19  Dr. Clown training in Poland.

Oct 16  We are learning English... :-)

Sept 30  A Chance 4 Children´s new website design consultant? :-)

Sept 5  Linda, Markéta, Monika – and Zátiší Group: a mentoring story!  
Linda and Markéta are two girls from the Žatec children’s home, Monika is their C4C mentor and Zátiší Group is one of the largest catering companies in the country. This is the story of their cooperation…:

Sept 7  Dr. Clown was present at the Days of Kladno the last weekend, where he had prepared various activities, mainly for children.
You can still help to print a book illustrated by children in hospitals!

Aug 30  Our Dr. Clowns always bring joy. But they can also be happy that someone thinks of them! Thanks to the Club of Lords of Ponožkovice for a gift for our clowns! :-)

Aug 19  Congratulations to Linda and Markéta from the childrens´ home in Žatec for the successful completion of their practice - 88 hours of work within 3 weeks of holiday. Lots of praise from working practice and from the house where the girls were staying.
We would like to thank the Zátiší Group for enabling the practice and the mentor of the girls Monika Kavanová.

Aug 20  Big thank you to Namastaey India Restaurant and Swami family for supporting Chance 4 Children!

July 30  Helping others is beautiful, especially if it's sincere and from the heart. :-)

July 14  Although Martina has fewer visits during the summer holidays to hospitals where she reads to children aged 5-18, it does not mean doing nothing now. 😉 
Together with the proofreader, she is working on texts and word wrapping, so that the book "Fairy tales for scribbling" gets illustrated as soon as possible with pictures made by children in hospitals and schools.

July 6  We said goodbye to the crew and the captain and went to make happy children at the hospital: 

July 5  The main sailing day - Expedition with Nave Italia:

July 3  If you like Markéta, vote for her in the CHARITY category here:
🌺 Our unique colleague Marketa Franke is nominated for a WOMAN OF 2019 in Charity category!! 🌺
Marketa is a woman of many professions. She can handle working for Behavee, for the Chance 4 Children charity and managing her large family as well!! She was working for IT @Microsoft CZ many years and she is a member of MINERVA21. Marketa is a great inspiration for all of us.👏👏
If you agree with us, please give her your vote via this link ➡️
Just click on the CHARITY tab. You can read more about Maketa!! Sharing is more than allowed 😉
#Behavee #Ženaroku2019

July 4  A few photos from the award ceremony. We would like to thank all the teachers for their excellent work and the children for attending the courses with pleasure and enthusiasm.
The C4C team wishes you a wonderful summer holiday

June 27 The Expedition Sardine set off for adventure. Follow the journey and daily details on:

Hledáme pro Dr. Klauna osoby laskavé a veselé, které mají chuť rozzářit oči dětí v nemocnicích v Ostravě a okolí.
Práce je v týmu 2 osob (buď již víte, s kým byste do toho chtěli jít, anebo vám osud přihraje do cesty nového parťáka) a navštěvujete 1x týdně na cca 2-3 hodiny nemocnici v Ostravě a 1x měsíčně nemocnici v okolí Ostravy. Hodí se jako časově flexibilní přivýdělek k jiné práci nebo ke studiu či k mateřské - na DPP nebo na ŽL.
Nové osoby odborně proškolíme a potrénujeme v improvizaci, ve hrách apod. Nejsme klauni, kteří se zmalují a pro legraci sebou praští o zem. 😉 Jsme tým známý po celé republice a neustále se vzděláváním zlepšujeme, abychom co nejlépe pomáhali v nemocnicích dětem (a často i dospělým) proti smutku a stesku . Všude si nás přejí, proto hledáme další klauny. 😉
Rád(a) si hraješ nebo I třeba umíš na hudební nástroj, nebo rád(a) objevuješ nové, nebo jsi jen zvědavý/á a láká tě to? A chceš rozdávat radost? Napiš na Pokud by to bylo jen pro peníze, raději nepiš 🙂. Kromě přivýdělku - si odneseš především bohatství a hřejivý pocit v srdci, které můžeš zažít, když rozdáváš úsměvy v často smutném prostředí nemocnic.

June 18  Kuba thank you that you are with us! And thank you for your devoted work in the Ledce children's home!

June 18  Fairy tales for scribbling
Which hospital does have a pool on the balcony? The Thomayer's department of children's psychiatry.😉 Yesterday I read the final version of "Things have little legs" and - the children and the governesses approved it to me wonderfully. 😉 So we will have to praise ourselves together with the proofreader 😂
Then there was a second fairy tale, on request of the children: "How to read a duvet". This yet will be corrected.
At the department of children's psychiatry I feel the need to reward and motivate the children because they have been here for a long time. I always have some small presents for them. In addition, yesterday I offered them to paint with coffee. Curiosity won, the results are great ❤️

June 16  Make your day with TV TA3's report about our forthcoming voyage. ⛵ The Expedition Sardine is coming! 🐟

June 16  When teachers, mentors and clowns teach and motivate - it is always about amazing energy. Thank you MaMaison Riverside Hotel Prague for allowing us to make today's team meeting possible!

June 15  Our press conference at the Italian Embassy in Prague on last Wednesday was also attended by TV Prima. 📺
Thank you for your support, we cannot wait for this year's adventure! ⌛

June 13  Today a fairy tale was read at the Kolín hospital. I took the fairy tale "Things Have Little Feet", that I read in Kolín already. Today, however, the text was after tuning by the proofreader. I thank him for the hard time, it is not easy with me. He minds it well with the book, and - I'm stubborn. The author feels how great the text is, but the corrector has a better sense for grammar and stylistics that he perceives from the perspective of someone who has published more books than the author. 😉

June 13  Our big project was launched yesterday! Watch the amazing summer show with us!
On June 12, a press conference was held at the Italian Embassy in Prague where we presented this year of our expedition - this time under the name Expedition Sardine 🐟
Ambassador of Italy to the Czech Republic Francesco Saverio Nisio, Minister of Health Adam Vojtěch, General Manager of UniCredit Bank Paolo Iannone and the future small sailors attended the press conference.
Thanks to all partners and we are looking forward to it!

June 11  Fairy Tales for Scribbling 
This week Martina Pupcsiková will go to the hospital in Kolín. She again will read for the children there a fairytale and the children will illustrate. In addition, Martina will take pictures from the children from the children's home in Pyšely. These children in the frame of the project Hand in Hand drew pictures for elderly patients in the hospital - the pictures will certainly help patients to communicate better. It was the wish of the medical staff in Kolín headed by Vanda Landová, and Martina, along with C4C, likes fulfilling similar wishes! 😍

June 7, 2019  We have succeeded 🙂 The project Hand in Hand is alive! 
And that thanks to Monika Kavanová, Markéta Franke, Markéta Hospodková and Chance 4 Children- here is a lovely afternoon with children from the Children's Home in Žatec and grannies from the senior home.

May 25  Yet another "clowning", this time in the senior home in Úvaly.
We spent a wonderful Saturday afternoon in the senior home in Úvaly, to which arrived children from the Klánovice children's home, as well. The clowns amused with a humorous performance, and many smiles conjured up their balloon creations and painted children's faces.

May 26  Happy to fulfill dreams!
We helped the boys from the Children's Home in Žatec: they attended a full-day workshop with Tary - their show jumping and a human idol. Guys, we are glad you enjoyed it !!

May 19  We thank the Halda Publishing House for 100 books of fairy tales for children in hospitals.
Your Dr. Klaun ❤

May 13  The cooperation between Go Freedom and Chance 4 Children has been running for some time.
Tomáš Adam, founder of Go Freedom, was invited to the Chance 4 Children team building meeting, where he had a workshop for foreign and Czech groups on the topic of motivation and meaning at work. "I love talking to people and it was an honor to go back to sales, where I started myself. :-). Thank you for this opportunity and nice words to Manfred."

May 8  We have it at home😉
We thank the Children's Home in Nové Strašecí for a pleasant day.

May 3  The "Fairy Tales for Scrabbling" arrived to Thomayer Hospital in Prague. The first reading will take place the next time. The hospital personnel likes the reading and drawing project for children, the atmosphere is relaxed and children "open up". The fairy tales begin a new chapter: the psychiatry department is waiting for them. Martina talked to the therapist about the diagnoses and troubles of the children and sorted them together to 2 groups - different fairy tales will be needed for each group. Both kinds of fairy tales are part of the upcoming book. In the case further special fairy tales were needed, Martina offered to write them. They would not be part of the upcoming book anymore, but the project is at the very beginning, so it may lead to a second book or a separate brochure for Thomayer Hospital. Who knows. The Fairy Tales project has long outgrown the original intention .... We are proud that Martina belongs to the C4C team.

Apr 28  This Sunday, a teambuilding event took place at Hotel Panorama with our amazing promoters and sellers.
We would like to thank all the participants, namely Radka Szabová for very professional photos, Lenka Mrázková (a professional coach and workshop organizer with years of experience) and Tomáš Adam (founder of Go Freedom and a professional coach) for very inspiring workshops.
We would also like to thank the Panorama Hotel for enabling this event.
C4C Team

Apr 18  
Children from the children's home and grannies from the senior home in Unhošť created together these beautiful bunnies. Easter can start.
Happy Easter to everyone. 🐣🐣🐣

Apr 12  
This week, Ondřej Ládek / Xindl X and Zuz Jarošová helped us to create a smile on many children's faces.
Ondra visited two children's homes where he sang and played the guitar together with the children.
Thank you very much, Ondra and Zuz, for taking the time to support young talents.
Find out soon more about this beautiful and meaningful collaboration on our website.

April 1  In the sign of "Children 4 Ever!"  
C4C’s Dr. Clown initiative has stepped into a new era of clowning at the Kolín Regional Hospital. It is here where the team is implementing Dr. Clown’s new pilot project: “Children 4 Ever”. C4C’s co-founder, Rafael J. Wojas, and his partner Martina Včelišová act here as a perfectly balanced and coordinated clown team – in a challenging and new environment.
Since autumn 2018 the Dr. Clown team at the Kolin Hospital doesn’t confine their tried and proven “Smile Therapy” only to children’s wards anymore, but has also been visiting older people, many of them lonely and forlorn and often without any visitation – in stark contrast to the children’s wards.
People, who are often seriously ill and sometimes without much hope of returning home. People, who know that their next journey may lead them, for example, into permanent health care or the hospice. Many of them are tied to their bed permanently. This is a place where Dr. Clown now gives out smiles, plays guitar and sings songs with the hospitalized seniors, listening to memories from their youth, chatting with them, playing with brick boxes, supporting them with games tailored to help them with their memory and motor skills – or just simply read them stories or messages.
Whatever makes them happy and whatever they want – Dr. Clown is there to please. And it’s like our seniors are becoming children again. After such visits, the hospital carries an incredible amount of good mood and satisfaction – in conditions where you would hardly expect it. One has to see it almost to believe how the inner happiness of these senior patients reflects in their eyes after a visit by the Dr. Clown team.
With the experiences gained from Kolin Hospital, the team is looking forward to expand “Children 4 Ever” to other hospitals where Dr. Clown is active in the Czech Republic.

Martina Pupcsiková a Zuzana Šrámková

March 27  Fairy tales for scribbling
Fairy tales were read at the Kolín hospital today, and children from 3 to 18 years of age subsequently drew them. Also 2 medical school girls who were in the hospital for their praxis, joined the reading and drawing. Today, Martina Pupcsiková did not read out alone, she was helped by the male voice of Lukáš, who started to cooperate with Chance 4 Children at the Dr. Clown initiative, reading loud books in hospital to children and the elderly. And today, it was his premiere. We appreciate all the people who offer their time and help selflessly. 

March 13  Can you crochet?
Girls from the children's home in Unhošť learn it from "their" grandmothers from the retirement home in Unhošť. It's not a very simple thing, but the grannies were patient and the girls tried their very best. :-)

March 8  The Metropolitan Professional Art High School in Prague 4, represented by Jaroslav and Petr Kocka, has been cooperating with our organization for many years. Girls who are interested to become hairdressers are allowed to use the school space for free. Under the guidance of Hana Ciprová and Veronika Stumpfová, the girls are taught this beautiful profession. We are grateful in the name of the children from orphanages and children's homes and the C4C team alike.

March 5  "People often say to me," I would not be able to do that. "
This fulfilled dream of mine is not always easy, but always beautiful... And what's so beautiful about it? You never know whom you meet, what you will face to. Whether it is pain, anxiety, fear, loneliness, bitterness, helplessness ... Feeling that I can pass on a bit of own light to where it is needed and maybe, despite all of what I have written, I will see a SMILE. That's incredibly beautiful and addictive to you. 😀
Thank you 💕 C4C for a dream come true. "
(A note from C4C: We sincerely thank to all our enthusiastic clowns. On the photos "clown-ladies" Martina Včelišová and Dagmar Strejčková)

Feb 21  Bringing joy at the hospital in Kolín.    

Feb 28  New cooperation has been born 
The High School of Design and Crafts Kladno and C4C began to work together to support talented children from children's homes and orphanages. Director Jana Bláhová and architect Jiří Brynda, the head of the studio / interior design department, put the C4C sticker on the door of the school, which is and will remain open to children from children's homes.

March 1  C4C, in cooperation with Go Freedom, launched a new educational program for children's homes this week. The main purpose of this program is to support the personal growth of individuals, to develop their talents and dreams. The children were enthusiastic about the pilot visits and we believe that we will be able to make it easier for them to move into adulthood.

Create project

Palec nahoru za to co děláte ;-))

Karel Vaněk
CZK 250

Dear Manfred and dear Charity. The piano community around my project Prochazka svetem klaviru at has been collecting money all December after purchasing the album of Czech Christmas Carols . We managed to collect 6500 CZK, that we now send to you as a New Year's present and wish you all the best for the new year and a thriving charity for all the children. With best regards, Eva Lorenc (Suchánková)

Procházka světem klavíru
CZK 6,500

přijemna paní

zuzka cervena
CZK 50

In memory of Jaroslav Pekna on the 65th anniversary of his birth.

Barbora Pekna

Díky Rafe za to co děláš

Tomáš Oplt
CZK 500

Moc hezké klaunovské představení trvající skoro hodinu. Dceři i mně to to udělalo opravdovou radost. Děkujeme.

CZK 500

Veselé vánoce a vše nejlepší v roce 2019.

Irena Moozová

Dekuji za navstevu me trilete dcery na JIP kladenské nemocnice. Moc ji to potěšilo a budu rád, kdyz me příspěvky pomohou udělat radost dalším dětem.

Ludek Prochazka
CZK 1,000

In memory of my wife Lenka Vitkova. She loved children.
