The very first days of life on a street have a devastating effect on a personality. The ROOF FIRST project provides a helping hand to people who have lost their homes. It allows them to gain up to two months of free accommodation in dormitories or shelters. The new background and professional support allow them to breathe again and and assist in finding housing, handling missing documents, social benefits, and seeking employment.
The program is designed for those who:
The program is designed for those who:
- have just ended up on the street or try consistently to get out of the street
- are in an acute situation and their further staying on the street would endanger their life
- already reside in a facility with social worker support, but their further stay in the facility is seriously endangered
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PF 2019
Děkuji Vojtěchu Sedláčkovi za jeho velké srdce a skvělý projekt, kterým pomáhá těm nezranitelnějším lidem, kteří se ocitnou na ulici bez střechy nad hlavou.
Ať se vám dobře daří!
Skvela prace, at se dari dal
Rád jsem přispěl.