Tamjdem, o.p.s.

Philanthropy and Volunteering Regional and Community Development

For good deeds

Get Tamjdem volunteers to nonprofits that need help. We needed CZK 45,000 this year to transport the volunteers to the NGOs. Help us to get to do good work in 2018 and contribute to a train or bus ticket for volunteers. By December 5th (International Volunteer Day), we want to fundraise as much as possible to do as much as we can in the upcoming year.

we started on 2017-11-13
raised 83 % out of  €892
This campaign is already closed. Thank you!

Every weekend in another place, always in the right one.

We're going to the nonprofits that need the help. This is how we helped start a forest kindergarten, help mentally handicapped earn money by producing beer, or repaired the destroyed ancient castle. We have helped in more than 50 nonprofits, sent hundreds of volunteers who have worked over 3,200 hours this year!

For good deeds... we´ll go across the country. 

  • To the Forest Kindergarten Venku ... 
Between moss and fern, you can find a crowd of children in the Forest School Venku that are discovering the world, self-confidence, and independence. This year Tamjdem has built a fence against mouflons, which protects children from wildlife and they can thus discover nature in safety. 
  • To the Hyporehabilitation Center Ryzáček ... 
The Ryzáček hiporehabilitation center helps handicapped children to proudly sit on horses' back. Build a fence, paint a stable, lay a pavement? There is a lot of work in Ryzáček, which is important but permanently postponed for operational reasons. Until we come and put our hand to the work.
  • To the SEVER Center for Environmental Education ... 
When you go to SEVER, you will find a nonprofit which aims to deepen responsible behavior towards nature. They organize ecological programs for children, to teach them that we have only one Earth and we must take care of it! On weeding, planting flowers and herbs or working with compost is not that much time left ... that is why we go there.
  • And we go to dozens of other NGOs.

For good deeds... you can do them too! 

Donate, share, talk about us to your friends. Everyone can do good deeds and make the world a bit better. Support us! Together we are unstoppable!
Support this project even more and ask your friends to help Create campaign

Keep up the good work guys, you're awesome :)

Ciprian-Vasile Lupsa

Přeju hodně štěstí Tamjdem! A díky moc za všechno co děláte <3

Nikola Malenová

Nechť slouží :) užijte si cesty

Ondřej Průcha

Děkuji za Vaši činnost, ráda pojedu s Vámi na hrad, doufám, že to vyvěsíte na FB ;)

Hana Otépková

Doufám, že mě ještě někam vyšlete :)

Jakub Mikulecký
CZK 150

Jste skvělí a těším se, až s váma zas někam půjdu :-)

Karolína Kousalová

Jen tak dál:-)

Václav Machek
CZK 300

Ať se vám dál daří to co děláte :) Má to smysl.

Martina Garbová
CZK 300