ROMEA, o.p.s.

Giving Information

Support truthful reporting about Romani people - is the only news server in the Czech Republic to have systematically monitored the image of Romani people in society for the last 19 years. We come to writing about the lives of Romani people with the necessary knowledge of this subject matter, which larger news servers very often lack. We are a counterbalance to the media outlets where a lack of objectivity contributes to creating a negative image of Romani people and to generalizations about them. We are where readers and viewers come if they want to find reliable information, analysis, an insider's perspective, opinions and substantial discussion.

Support the news server

Support truthful reporting about Roma. Join us and support the news server. Thank you!
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We have reached an important juncture in our development. During the last 19 years we have created a name for ourselves, earned respect, won many awards and achieved important successes.

However, we need to make yet another qualitative leap forward in our development in order to maintain and expand our readership, access new fundraising opportunities, and naturally to achieve all of our aims when it comes to improving the image of Romani people in the media and in society.

The image of the Roma in mainstream media is not a truthful one, and substantial Romani-related subject matter is not sufficiently represented or explained there. News server works to do what is appropriate to the public service provided by media outlets. Today, most media are not fulfilling their role of providing the public with reliable information, or they are not doing so consistently. wants to be a media outlet that readers, viewers and listeners turn to for reliable information, analysis, an insider view, opinions, and substantial discussion. The news server is not meant to be just an activist media outlet that is "pro-Roma", but is meant to be an open space striving for objectivity. That may sound like an idealistic, unachievable task - and it is certainly one that cannot be fulfilled by just a handful of journalists.
Join us and support the work of this news server. We want to involve more journalists and specialists in publishing news through

Thanks to your donation, you will be contributing to changing the media image of Romani people in the Czech Republic. Thank you!

Support this project even more and ask your friends to help Create campaign

Seděla morská rodinka před obchodem tak, že nikdo nemohl tam, ani ven! Dokud jsem pouze řekl, že to není inteligentní, protože nemohou lidé procházet, tak to ušlo jen s nadávkami, ale když jsem jim nakonec řekl, že toto je krám a ne úřad práce! Adrenalin

Ervín Dementér
CZK 10,000,000

Velikánsky pozdrav a podpora putuje z Vojvodiny k vám. :)

Vladimira Dorcova Valtnerova
CZK 500

Držím palce

Hana Kubíková
CZK 500

Anna Filoušová

Všechno nejlepší M.V.

CZK 50

Díky za vaši práci!


Moc děkujeme za příspěvek a podporu. Díky!

ROMEA, o.p.s.

Myslím na všechny, co jsou momentálně v těžké situaci. A přispívám aspoň něco málo.
S pozdravem 🍀🍀🍀

Romana Šimíková
CZK 500 is for me a very reliable and informative source of information on Roma issues.
I highly appreciate your work supporting the Roma community in the Czech and Slovak Republic.

Jef Helmer

Keep up the good work you're doing.

David Wolf
CZK 1,000

Díky, že jste slyšet.

Václav Mráz
CZK 200