There are currently more than 120 animals living on the sanctuary.
Karel is a senior "minipig", who has been with us for the past three years.
Kvído is a rescued pig from a large farm. He was a prize in raffle.
Our sheep and goat herd snacking on hay.
Other residents of the asylum.
The association was founded in the summer of 2016. After two years of managing the "Life without cruelty" Facebook page, we finally discovered a suitable real estate. We were now able to create the imagined asylum for farm animals. And that's how the "Life without Cruelty on a Farm" - Asylum (not only) for farm animals started.
Located in the picturesque village of Třebihošť, under the Krkonoše mountains near Dvůr Králové nad Labem. The asylum or farm is our home, just as it is a home to the animals that take refuge with us. Oftentimes fate hasn't been very kind to these animals. Some of them had been abused, some were in the danger of being put down, or just simply did not have any adequate home.
In addition to the asylum, we plan to raise awareness and facilitate contact with animals for the general public. We oppose all forms of oppression.
Karel is a senior "minipig", who has been with us for the past three years.
Kvído is a rescued pig from a large farm. He was a prize in raffle.
Our sheep and goat herd snacking on hay.
Other residents of the asylum.
The association was founded in the summer of 2016. After two years of managing the "Life without cruelty" Facebook page, we finally discovered a suitable real estate. We were now able to create the imagined asylum for farm animals. And that's how the "Life without Cruelty on a Farm" - Asylum (not only) for farm animals started.
Located in the picturesque village of Třebihošť, under the Krkonoše mountains near Dvůr Králové nad Labem. The asylum or farm is our home, just as it is a home to the animals that take refuge with us. Oftentimes fate hasn't been very kind to these animals. Some of them had been abused, some were in the danger of being put down, or just simply did not have any adequate home.
In addition to the asylum, we plan to raise awareness and facilitate contact with animals for the general public. We oppose all forms of oppression.
Je moc hezké, co děláte. Ať se Vám i zvířátkům daří 😊
Moc me dojal ten emails prasatkem!
Hezky vikend Vam i zviratkum :)
Posílám penízky a přeji hodně štěstí..Jste nejlepší ❤
Všechna zvířata si zaslouží pomoci. Na některá, často právě hospodářská, se ale zapomíná... Posílám příspěvěk a doufám, že nás bude co nejvíc.
Pro veselou zvířecí tlupu z Třebihoště. Díky za to co děláte :-*
prosim nevolejte mi ani neposílejte emaily, dekuji za pochopeni
držte se, není to dnes jednoduché
Ať penízky slouží, není to moc, ale snad se budou hodit. Těšíme se, až se k vám přijedeme podívat :-)