ARPOK, o.p.s.

Education and Research Giving Information

Open Society Support

We bring current global issues to schools (i.e. migration, poverty, climate change, etc.). Our aim is to create an active, respectful and open society in which people understand complexity and interconection of today s world. We organize seminars for teachers, educational programs for pupils and public debates.


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167 people
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Since 2004 we have been bringing current global issues to schools (i. e. migration, poverty, climate changes, etc.). Our aim is to create an active, respectful and open society in which people understand complexity and interconnection of today´s world. It´s a run for a long trail. Nevertheless, we are convinced it´s worth it. We want to live in society where we feel good, where people are respectful and do not hesitate to help each other.

We want to reach that via education. We organize seminars for teachers about new trends in teaching sensitive topics. We teach them to communicate these topics with children and we help them to find relevant and objective information. We discuss global sensitive issues with pupils during our educational programs and thematic days. We also bring current global issues to wide public. We regurarly run public debates with well-known journalists and people who experienced humanitarian missions in abroad. We emphasize critical thinking and open-minded approach

Up to now we have organized over 1200 educational programs for more than 27 000 pupils and trained 2300 teachers during 100 seminars. For the public we have run more then 120 debates about current global issues with 6000 visitors.

Help us to reach our aims, it´s worth it!

Thank you!

For more details see our websites:


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Lenka Dušková
CZK 365