Our goal is to provide seriously ill children with access to excellent medical care and to offer their families both psychological and physical support in the form of quality and comfortable accommodation, no matter how far away the family of the young patient lives.
On the grounds of the University Hospital in Motol, we have built the first house in the Czech Republic for families of long-term sick children, which functions as their temporary home. We believe that the presence of parents and other loved ones is one of the best medicines contributing to the successful treatment of pediatric patients. The house offers free accommodation to up to 21 families at a time and is run entirely at our own expense. Your donation will help families in need. Thank you!
On the grounds of the University Hospital in Motol, we have built the first house in the Czech Republic for families of long-term sick children, which functions as their temporary home. We believe that the presence of parents and other loved ones is one of the best medicines contributing to the successful treatment of pediatric patients. The house offers free accommodation to up to 21 families at a time and is run entirely at our own expense. Your donation will help families in need. Thank you!
Každá koruna dokáže pomoci. A i když někdo pošle málo a někdo více, na tom přeci nesejde. Hlavní je aby rodiny mohly být spolu. ❤️
Ať se daří i v appce
Good luck
Je dobre ze nekdo dela spravnou vec
Hodne zdravi, stesti a lasky!
#abyrodinymohlybytspolu #stillkandidat
Nevím, co napsat, ale hlavně, ať je nás takových víc, aby se mohlo se stavbou začít.
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