Středisko křesťanské pomoci Horní Počernice

Children, Youth and Family Socially Disadvantaged Groups

From the Edge of Society Becoming Part of the Society!

SKP HOPO's aim is to keep families and children together even in difficult times. That is why we provide support, shelter and transient accommodation for families threatened with the loss of their homes, or those who are already homeless. As well as communal housing, we provide skills and employment training, education, and also help and advice to integrate families back into mainstream society.

we started on 2017-03-13

From The Edge of Society Becoming Part of Society

We will really appreciate donations of any size, it is all put to very good use! Every donation will make a direct difference to a child, mother or father.

supported by

109 people
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Family should stay together even in difficult times

Home is the most important place in life for many of us and that is why we provide shelter and background to many homeless families. During their stay in the shelter we support them on the road to independence and a successful return to society.
Asylum House (part of the of Christian Help Centre) is in terms of capacity, the biggest facility of its kind in the Czech Republic. It is also the only housing facility which provides such diverse accommodation and shelter for lone mothers or fathers with children, but also for larger families of up to eight members. 

Our aim is always to help families stay together and to be a part of society again.

We manage that thanks to the ongoing support of our partners and donors.
More information about our services can be found on our website 

Support this project even more and ask your friends to help Create campaign

Please tell everyone at HOPO that we love them and are praying for them, as well for
your Ukrainian guests!
Doug, Linda and Drew Akers
PS--We will send more later

Doug Akers
CZK 50

We stand in solidarity with the Ukrainian people and the SKP HOPO mission who are providing shelter to the refugees. Thank you for all you are doing,
Nancy Nunn from Providence United Methodist Church Yorktown, Virginia

Nancy Nunn
CZK 2,350

Please use this as you see the need, thank you for your efforts with the Ukrainian refugees as well as your normal mission!

Sam Barnett
CZK 2,000

Our prayers are with you.
Ann and Tom Dudley
Maryland, USA

Ann Dudley
CZK 2,150

Velmi děkuji za Vaši pomoc poskytnutou mé dceři a mě před 10 lety, přeji Vám vše nejlepší a doufám, že tento drobný měsíční příspěvek bude moci pomoci další svobodné mamince, která se možná dostala do těžké situace, jako my, tehdy...

CZK 400

Merry Christmas from Providence United Methodist Church, Yorktown, VA, USA.

Linda Rody
CZK 10,833